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in the past

Ok I was sus about liking Vampire Survivors. And then I played. Then, for some reason, I couldn't stop playing? This game may or may not have addictive tendencies. If the goal was to make something that just releases dopamine - good job. I want more. And it's probably a problem.

El espíritu de los juegos flash vive, la lucha sigue.

Very simple but addictive. Some items are more overpowered then others but with the kind of game this is and how many weapons you can have at once I don't really have an issue with that.

I've reached the ending added in 1.0. After getting to that point I'm more appreciative of how the simple gameplay loop did not get old to me after over 20 hours which was one of my worries about the game. In fact there's so many unlockables I can still find I have plenty more reason to put dozens of more hours in.

I think I have an addiction problem with this game.

Tries to clone Magic Survival but the mechanical changes end up making it significantly worse.

XP dropping on the ground combined with circular horde spawns incentivizes you to constantly play on the same screen, because any step too far in one direction takes you away from the pile of XP that the mobs on the opposite side dropped.

Limited spell and item slots mean that choosing anything even slightly subpar is damaging.

Items are now a levelup reward and chests just give you a random +1 instead of interesting items that actually do cool things? ??

The spells are so overly flashy that the game quickly becomes impossible to parse, despite generally being uglier.

The enemies all being uniform and also spawning so uniformly means that the only way the game can challenge you is by spawning blobs with larger and larger health pools until it's large enough to make it through your pile of spells.

Both of them are ultimately just Make Time Disappear games but even those have standards.

Peak example of junk food turned into a game.

i only played this because everyone else at my school played it because it was one of the only games our chromebooks (basically an potato with a screen) could run

Despite some suspect sprites and artwork, Vampire Survivor's simple game concept and low barrier of entry combined with its rewarding replay-ability, and depth of choice make it the real deal.

One of the best 2$ investments in my life.

The music is pretty rad here. Would love to get more tracks in upcoming updates.

On paper, this is a Castlevania rip-off where you simply maneuver a character as they auto-fire into waves of enemies and try to survive. And yet, it perfectly scratches my lizard brain itches, like a dopamine slot machine. Plus it's only $3 and under active development support. C'mon.

If this was on mobile, it'd be all over for me.

* Played well on Linux via Proton 7.0-2 and switching to the public beta branch

The ugliest casino you can't spend money in

What can I say, this game costs nearly nothing but is quite addictive. Sadly it does not really offer anything in terms of story or visuals. It's just the most basic gameplay element that is enough to kill some time, but nothing more. That is why I have decided to shelve this game for the time being as it does not offer me anything else than wasting some time quickly.

Pure undiluted dopamine straight to the brain. Best 3 bucks I ever spent.

An unmitigated jank-fest, but delivers that dopamine like nothing else. I don’t think I can adequately describe the euphoric rush of turning those endless waves of pixelated monsters into a tumbling mass of stovetop popcorn as they wander haplessly into my ever-widening zone of death.

Aún me quedan personajes que desbloquear, niveles ocultos que descubrir, y secretos que encontrar. Pero doy de momento por finiquitado mi periplo con Vampire Survivors porque, tras unas 20 horas, ya solo queda vicio del malo y pocas ganas genuinas de querer jugar y descubrir contenido.

Es bastante loco la cantidad de contenido que hay en este jueguecillo que casi (solo casi) se juega solo. Una especie de bullet-hell donde el personajillo ataca automáticamente con cooldowns y nuestro único deber es esquivar, subir de nivel, y gestionar una progresión que tarda poco en volverse un festival de colores y partículas en pantalla.
Vampire Survivors da mucho gustito y, además, tiene chicha. Al principio no lo creía, en mis primeras horas solo veía una build viable (el Ajo es demasiado poderoso en las primeras horas), pero con el tiempo y solo un pelín de estrategia en la progresión persistente vas experimentando y haciendo cosas muy chulas.

No sé cuánto de mi interés por este juego viene influenciado por el tremendo vicio que le he echado y por cómo sus mecánicas están diseñadas para ser adictivas y cuántas vienen por parte de un buen diseño. Creo que hay un poco de ambas aquí.
Sea como sea merece, quién diría que apagar el cerebro así era lo que necesitaba después de Elden RIng.

There are games I play while I listen to podcasts, but this feels like something I'd play while waiting for some bread to rise in the kitchen. Still in early access rn so I'll log it again once this bread rising game is... well I guess risen as well.

Brabo, mas ainda falta conteúdo, vamos ver como ele fica futuramente. Jogo pra pegar dopamina e derreter o cérebro.

I'm gonna keep playing this, but I feel like I have seen enough to put a score on it. It's a lot of fun, and the mechanics gel together in a satfisying way. Can't wait to see what else the developer adds in the future.

There is an addiction, and i have it all.

Vampire Survivors is a game built entire around immediate gratification. Its price point and nature make it feel a lot like buying a candy bar, just a cheap sugar rush which probably isn't good for my health.

plus plus plus por el precio y lo simple pero intenso que es
peak gaming

This game isn’t too deep, but man it is fun and addictive. I’ll be playing this all year long.