Reviews from

in the past

What a great game. Replaying this trilogy it's already been a pleasure.

Pretty stiff game even for 2007, but I loved the scope of the story and the promise of greater things to come (which I haven’t played yet).

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Checkpoints are way too far apart

I know I'm beating a dead horse but the Mako really does suck to drive

Biotic abilities are dope

Why is there no way to skip certain dialogue cutscenes? In the first Saren fight on Virmire I lost, now I respawn and have to redo the entire cutscene every time? I'm having Elden Ring flashbacks except this is 10,000 times worse than that. There should be an autosave at the beginning of the boss fight, and if not that, at least the option of saving. There's literally nothing you can do except have the same dialogue every single time if you lose the fight.Like I have to kill all the enemies before Saren spawns, then do an unskippable dialogue cutscene with Saren that lasts several minutes, and then if I lose do that all again every single time? Why???

That being said, the narrative is really good. However, the dialogue choices are mediocre at best. Also, why does my character not say what dialogue selection I make? Sometimes I make a selection and Shep will just say something completely different, the game is really cool about having it so that the choices that you do make matter and they carry on to future games

Some of the cutscenes are legit movie tier

A mostly playable episode of Star Trek

I don’t actually think this game is as great as people say it is, but it is one of my favourite games of all time.

It’s not very good as a shooter, or even as a RPG really (although I do miss the light role playing outside of conversations that was mostly abandoned after this one). For me it’s all about the setting and the atmosphere they’ve created, and how well they immerse you in it. It’s one of those universes that I really wanna be in for real. No other game has captured the feeling of being part of a really dense sci-fi universe for me. It’s so good.

this game feels like ass :sob:

They told me to skip it and they were right. The elevators and clunky gameplay were quite frustrating at times. The thing I appreciate most in the game is the rich dialogue, sadly you gotta shoot things awkwardly too.

I've never fallen in love with a game so quickly before. The worldbuilding of Mass Effect is exquisite. The gameplay is amazing. The missions are all incredibly interesting. The mako is unstable enough to be slightly annoying without being enraging. There's a certain lack of character development, the NPCs are lovable but could do with a little bit more fleshing out.

Still, the plot is amazing. I absolutely adore Shepard (I played as femshep). I love that the alien species, with the exception of the asari are not all humans in a wig. I love everything about the asari (with the one downside being how sexualised they are...).

The paragon/renegade system is awesome. I love that the choices you make affect the story. I even love the soundtrack.

What can you really say about the game that took the world by storm? It's a janky, hacky, buggy mess in terms of gameplay, but its story and characters were so compelling it continues to be copied by newer games almost 20 years after its release.

I started the game with high expectations, espacially regarding the story, but i was quite disappointed. The game's narrative failed to engage me and was very forgettable.

No other fictional world has quite the same grip on me as this has, this is my GOAT.

i started my journey with this series because of my love of KOTOR and man does this start have so many shades of the first KOTOR.

as a start to a trilogy this does it's job, there is a good sense that this is the beginning of something greater just from the first moment. there's things i didn't like but once the games on you get use to it and they become fun!

i think what hooked me was the characters and wanting to see where their arcs ended up, including shepard!

Melhor história da franquia. Realmente se sustenta por conta própria.

I feel like age has done this game a disservice because being able to play this back to back with ME2 shows how scuffed the game part of this game really is. The world and universe shines the most in this title and I feel like that is mostly because everything else in the game is kind of a slog. That being said the universe of Mass Effect is incredibly interesting and the Hanar are one of the most truly alien feeling species I can think of in a video game.

kaidan alenko is literally one of the best video game characters of all time

Janky and dated but an incredible introduction to the great universe of mass effect

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Já havia zerado antes desta data, dessa vez explorando todos os planetas, sendo Full Paragon, escolhi salvar Ashley. Uma obra prima, sem dúvidas um dos jogos da minha vida.

The game feels dated - the combat is clunky, the RPG elements are weak, and there are numerous technical bugs (even in the legendary edition). But the story and fictional world are compelling; there really aren't that many interesting sci-fi games. Despite the game's issues, it's still worth playing through.

Um marco para fãs do Sci-Fi. Ele consegue passar da melhor forma possível a sensação de estar em uma tripulação "ALA" Star Trek. Onde você se apega a todos os personagens e fica completamente imerso nesse universo.

The best narrative in the ME trilogy unfortunately restrained by clunky gameplay and an empty galaxy. I replay it every time I run through the trilogy but it’s always my least favorite. Still a great game.

i liked it a lot! the combat took a while getting used to but at some point i got an assault rifle that one shot pretty much everyone and i just spammed barrier to keep myself alive and i was an immortal one shot god. The story is cool, has some nice agamben philosophy metaphors (the bad guy is named sovereign?? the spectres operate outside the law? spectre = harvey specter = suits the tv show... duh!!!) BTW Wrex and Ashley were the best, Wrex was cool and had the best story and Ashley was funny. She was a teensy bit racist but u know just a little bit. It's like spicy food. Think, like, Kenny from the walking dead or laezel from baldurs gate 3. Sorry if it seems like im jumping around a lot, this is my first review i'm new to writing sooo haha just bare with me guys i'm still getting the hang of things. BTW, the lore is so cool. I spent a long time just going thru all the codex stuff and reading the lore. It was nice. Im gonna play 2 now.

Tried twice, but the gameplay feels so clunky while the story (which most people love) seems to have been long surpassed.

A legendary introduction to the greatest video game trilogy of all time.

The weakest enter in my eyes that is hemmoragged by outdated design a fun combat system with a basic but intriguing plot with some brilliant twists, the characters are okay in the first game but get far better later on. The foundation that the other games seem to have strayed away from a little.

first "high tier" game i played back when i was a kid and really liked it but i think it was my least favorite of the 3

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Wonderful stroll down memory lane.
Sovereign will always be cool and hot, did you see the way he grabs onto the Citadel 😳😳😳😳😳

The Combat can get a bit monotonous at times and the side quests are a bit useless but Mass Effect has some of my favorite lore in any piece of media. It’s just so interesting.

What an awesome, in-depth sci-fi RPG hope they don't dumb the sequel down to a generic action game!