Reviews from

in the past

provavelmente o mundo mais legal dos jogos visto que toca bastante metal e todo mundo usa batom preto

fazer a true demon ending desse game concerteza foi uma experiência, a batalha final foi uma das melhores experiências que eu já tive jogando um videogame.

uma obra prima da atlus incrível esse jogo ser de 2003.

Megami Tensei’s looking more like Midgami Tensei right now

This game has the perfect atmosphere, no other game I've played has even come close. There's always this heavy feeling of loneliness that permeates every moment throughout the game.

On the final boss my demon trumpeter used the move holy melody, which is a move that fully heals the mp and hp of the lowest health person in the battle, enemies included. I assumed the final boss was still around above half health and I needed to heal someone below a quarter health. The move targeted the final boss and somehow missed, just not doing anything. I think that moment alone took 10 years off of my life for the pure shock of almost healing the final boss to full. I killed him on that run and I think about that moment a lot. I was streaming the fight and I think everyone else was equally as confused. This game rocks.

Vão existir poucos jogos tão únicos e especiais para mim quanto Nocturne. Um trabalho irreplicável de uma das melhores épocas da Atlus.

É realmente um jogo sexual.

i have hated few characters as much as i do chiaki hayasaka.

needlessly edgy a lot of times, if i have to hear "one more god rejected" with the stupid garage band vocals one more time i am going to rip my ears out

Overrated asf but still pretty damn good. Probably unplayable if you played SMT 5 first

my favorite atmosphere and art design in gaming

Kazuma Kaneko's artwork feels beautifully realized in this game.

this game is awesome but i am not completing it without the hd rerelease the fusion mechanics in the original version are SO ass

Fusion is ass, but at least it's better than it was in SMT I and II. Despite that, this is one of the best pieces of art I've ever experienced. The atmosphere, press-turn combat, demons, and thematic depth of Nocturne make this a must-play for anyone who enjoys turn-based RPGs.

Retiring this as I picked up the Remastered version on the PS4, so I won't return to this old GameStop PS2 pick-up. I'll speak to this game in more detail in the PS4 review, as I played much more of it on that console.

i love inflicting self pain and smt nocturne inflictes a lot of self pain but for real tho this game does not give a shit with throwing hard shit at your face and i can respect that.

Addicting, hard as shit, story itself was mid

This review contains spoilers

Ignoring all the Nocturne fanboyism and the cries of "Nocturne was the last good game Atlus made, it's been downhill ever since" I can say with full confidence that yes, the game is good. Just a really good dungeon crawler with very creative bosses and a fun battle system. There isn't as much potential for party customization as the later SMT titles, but I think that actually works in the game's favor because it feels like the bosses are designed around the available demons and their movesets.

The story of the game is 100% saved by the incredible atmosphere and crazy vibes of this game. All these things work to invest and draw the player into the world of the game. If there was no ominous and unique atmosphere in Nocturne it would probably be another Shin Megami Tensei V situation where the game gave the player no reason to get invested into the game world. The minimalist story in Nocturne is better than SMT V's story, but it's mostly just various characters telling you that they're going to remake the world. Although there are some cool scenes like Chiaki vs. the Manakins and Isamu vs. Hijiri. It's a very trippy experience.

The characters do represent their alignments well and have nice cutscenes that introduce their ideas, but I also don't think the game gives the player much of a reason to care about the main cast of characters. They're unlikable from the beginning of the game and then they become huge assholes. They do work as boss battles because you grow to dislike them. But they're not going to be as impactful as some of the alignment rep boss battles in SMT IV, because that game had characters that were actually likeable. I'm not saying Isamu and Chiaki are bad characters. They're not bad, they're just unlikable.

I am very glad that the alignments in this game are not just basic law/chaos. The reason system is so much better. It actually got me to think instead of just choosing the same alignment I chose last time. Also, your choices actually matter in this game as opposed to SMT V which just lets you pick an ending.

The music is pretty kickass. It's one of the few mainline SMT games with music by Meguro, which is quite the treat. The art direction by Kaneko is also insanely good and probably saves the entire game. Seriously, this game would have been nothing without Kaneko. But I also have to give equal props to Meguro for completely making the atmosphere work from an audio standpoint.

This game is a weird marriage of ideas that are very out-there, but it somehow all comes together into an unforgettable experience. This is my favorite mainline SMT game because it's the best experience out of the ones that I've played. But I have to mention again that Nocturne would be absolutely NOTHING without the incredible atmosphere. That story and those characters aren't doing much to carry the game. Oh, and of course, the gameplay is good too. But SMT gameplay is usually good.

So yes this game is good, but you guys need to get over it. The fanbase's obsession with Nocturne is what made SMT V as vapid and soulless as it is. Just be happy this game exists instead of complaining that every other game isn't like it.

The turning point of Megami Tensei, the game that turned what was just a good franchise into the peak of JRPGs, this is the birth of the best combat the genre has ever seen, along with great environmental story-telling and well structured philosophical themes, accompanied by great music, Nocturne is in a place in the history of art where few things belong.

A JRPG unlike any other I've played.

Fuck alignment debates, the real most important debate that SMT fans should be having is which toxic online fandom Isamu would be a part of

Stockholm syndrome for teething babies. Fucking grow up and play some real games like call of duty and fortnite. Fuck off. Mid.