Reviews from

in the past

really short but fun platformer. Takes no less than a hour to complete. Fun variety and fells quite different to previous games despite its length

Mario was NOT back for its best adventure yet

I beat this game twice in the amount of time it took a friend to beat Champion Gundyr in Dark Souls 3 and another one to find the second Energy Tank in Metroid.

Not as complex and pretty short if you don’t go game over because you need to start the whole game all over again. Enemies were unique compared to other Mario games. And you save Daisy instead of Peach? Definitely the most official Mario game that’s not Mario!

Esse jogo sofre de síndrome de tech demo, ele é incrivelmente estranho em todos os aspectos. O level design é interessante, destaque as fases de navinha que são uma boa mudança de ritmo que eu gosto. Eu acho que é ok. , e curto e simples e divertido mas o mais importante é que um mario portátil funciona e caso vc n tenha nada pra fazer, esse jogo é bom até. Ah o gráfico de notas no backloggd parece um p$#@to.

[Played on Retron 5 with original cartidge]

Super Mario Land is super interesting considering its North American release. prior to Super Mario Land we had only Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2. Super Mario Bros. 3 had been released in Japan but hadn't made its way to North America yet. I this makes Super Mario Land more interesting, because as of then, there was no clear formula for Super Mario. You had running and jumping but usually there was something unique and strange about each entry. Super Mario Land follows up on this, with gameplay far more in line with Super Mario Bros. but placed in a strange foreign land filled with unusual enemies, setpieces and level types. the general style pointed the series more towards Super Mario Bros. than Super Mario Bros. 2, but you still had a feeling that a Super Mario game could be pretty much anything.

Viewing this game as an attempt to convert Super Mario Bros. to a handheld console tells me that this game is a good attempt. It's certainly flawed, especially in the fast and jerky controls, but you do get the general feel of Super Mario Bros., and that alone is pretty amazing considering what else was out at the time in terms of handheld experiences.

However, I can't really say this game ages nearly as well and Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2 did. As previously noted, the controls are really uncomfortable. I found myself running straight off of ledges because there was 0 momentum or acceleration in Mario's running. You hold B and Mario goes from 0 to 60 and when you stop holding a direction, you stop moving instantly. Coming off of the 2 NES titles, this is really strange and hard to get used to. Ultimately, I found the game far more approachable when you're taking it super slow, but it still felt pretty wrong. Additionally, the graphics are rather poor, though that's mainly in comparison to later Game Boy titles. Games were able to work with much larger a more detailed sprites in exchange for less visibility, but games were often always built around that trade-off. Super Mario Land works to show the same amount of playing space as the NES titles, and to achieve this, pretty much all the sprites are tiny and super simplistic. It ends up looking kind of ugly up against those later titles.

Overall, Super Mario Land today is a flawed and rather dated game. It's not anything you'll hate, but it's not going to capture the same amounts of fun the NES titles do. Though at the time of the game's release, this was a big deal and a major breakthrough for handheld gaming. I know we do not live in the past, but it's always worth acknowledging and retrospecting on the history so you can better understand titles.

6/10 - Okay

It’s a decent platformer. Not much else to say. Music is catchy.

first game I ever beat. thank you grandma, for introducing me to the world of video games through this and Tetris on your Game Boy <3

A short, cute and bizarre 2D Mario game, with unique scenery and artstyle. The game is short and very barebones, with wonky controls and bad hit boxes, but being one of the first handheld game cartridges released in the history of gaming, it fulfills its role very well. The shooter sections are amazing and turn Mario into a sort of Space Invaders type of game. There's only twelve easy levels and you get used to the weird controls very fast; try it out if you haven't.

Quite unripe and less polished than the Mario games most people love, but the level variety is good, despite the absence of verticality. Great soundtrack.

I remember trading this game for a bugs bunny game. I regret this till this day. Another Mario sellout game like the doki doki panic one. And you can tell they forgot to put the fun into this one.

Just a short old Super Mario game, not too much going on.

As much as I loved this game, I can’t give it more than 3 stars. It doesn’t deserve more than that. The sprites are so small that you practically need a magnifying attachment to see them, no matter where you play it.
All in all, it’s still fun and difficult. Sadly, a good chunk of that difficulty is from the sprite size.

Charming, fun, short 'n' sweet lil' game. Boppin' soundtrack, too.

Nada mal para um portátil da época.

O jogo do Mario menos Mario que existe.

E mesmo assim consegue ser bom!

Not as good as the original Super Mario Bros tbh. The controls are stiff, there's like one power up, and the game is EXTREMELY short. That being said, I'd be lying if I said the game didn't have it's own charm to it. I mean cmon this game introduced our goddess Daisy so it's gotta be worth something right?

Can't say I get this game. It's fine for what it is, but a bit too ugly and short.

I quite like the aesthetics and music, but I'd rather see this much effort put into weird aspects of mainline Mario games where I can appreciate all of them much more due to those games not being constrained to a crappy Game Boy screen.

A charming simplification of the original Super Mario Bros. This game has some unique things that no other Mario game possesses, which makes it a fun play. However, due to its Gameboy simplicity, I don't plan on playing this again anytime soon.

O melhor: Boa variedade de inimigos e cenários pela curta duração
O pior: Lamentável o downgrade de apenas um tiro por tela com a Fire Flower Superball
Covardes: Tragam as fases Shmup de volta!

Como o primeiro jogo da série para o Game Boy, é notável o quão cedo Super Mario Land deixa de ser tão familiar ao primeiro jogo de NES. Talvez no momento em que uma música "Can Can" começa a tocar quando se obtém a estrela de invencibilidade, ou quando um Koopa simplesmente explode quando se pula em cima dele. O melhor desse jogo pra mim é o quanto ele não se prendeu tanto assim aos temas daquele que é um dos jogos mais importantes da história.

É um jogo bem curto, apenas 12 fases divididas em 4 mundos, mas cada mundo traz cenários e inimigos únicos, além de uma música que combina bem com o tema da fase. Algumas fases apresentam um level design mais interessante até do que o SMB original, mas infelizmente o jogo acaba cedo demais para explorar algo realmente marcante. De todo modo, é uma recomendação fácil pelo tanto de coisa que ele apresenta em 1 hora, em um cartucho de Game Boy de 1989.

Meh. The strange physics make this one a huge pain, honestly. Music's good, though.

When I fail the minigame I always blame my brother

this shit's got 🗿 in it

i dont have a lot to say about this one. the physics are wonky as hell but it's a fun little game. i probably would've given up if i didnt have 3DS save states, but that says more about me than it does about the game.

I was never a big fan of this game. Everything looked too small and it just felt wonky. I also am not a big fan of the super ball power up. The game isn't terrible though.

(Played with some improvement hacks)
Review pasted from GG

short but sweet, not much to say about it
stands out for being a weirder entry compared to other mario games

This is a super creative game with a really good soundtrack, but it falters in the mechanics. The movement is super janky and inconsistent. It's also incredibly short and easy, even for a Game Boy game. The short length means it's hard not to recommend, I mean you can beat it in less than an hour so it's not like you're making a huge commitment. It's just not stellar or anything.

Analogue pocket playthrough. Decent fun!