Great art and charm wrapped in a pretty standard RPGMaker shell with crazy balancing; I liked it

Lots of fun; like a little miniature version of Ghosts n' Goblins that you can hold in your palm!

A beautiful environment and an interesting story that was unfortunately bogged down with extremely poor performance, a lack of build customization, and slightly shallow combat that heavily favors parrying over everything else.

Harder than Metal Slug 3 by far, the final boss is crazy hard (1cc)

Every enemy in this game has an attack where they throw a rock that instantly kills you (stopped at Maria)

Amazing atmosphere and amazing puzzles but combat is bored, had to use cheat codes to finish because I ran out of ammo and softlocked (early adv/horror game syndrome)


Great aesthetic and fun gameplay; I don't think there's more someone can ask for

You truly are one of the GOATs (1cc)

Loved this game when I first played it even though I used a guide, think I grew out of it but it's still amazing

Most charming game ever. Holy shit

A fairly fun collection of older McMillian games, he truly is the craziest motherfucker to make indie games

Great start for the series, though it starts to lose itself in the second half (c'mon guys! we don't need this many railgun levels!).

Starts strong and has its high points, but eventually devolves into very frustrating gameplay! I had to finish the game on god mode and it crashed before the ending. I see how this would have been groundbreaking, but I lack the skill set to derive any joy from it.