A short story told very, very, very well that uses the medium of video games to its absolute advantage, understanding the strengths of the medium extremely well to make the story more effective.

A genuinely fantastic game that was way ahead of its time in terms of scope

I had little to no expectations going in but wow. This is the pinnacle of Classicvania design in every way. I'm a little sad to be done with this style of Castlevania but I'm glad this is the game they ended with

I truly see this as DLC for the first game. It's genuinely fantastic gameplay wise and improves in a lot of areas, but it's far too short

Probably one of the most flawed Zelda games there is, but there's genuinely still a lot to love. The atmosphere of skyloft, the writing, the music, and the characters make this a pretty unique and likeable game. Plus, it has one of the best boss fights I've ever fought in any game. The issue is the controls are extremely messy, the worst parts of zelda's formula is on max, and the structure is all over the place.

Unbelievably disappointing. This game represents everything wrong with Nintendo's occasional game philosophy. It spits in the face of the previous games and RPGs as a genre.

I am hugely biased, and I want to give this a 9/10. I love difficult games. I love 2D platformers. I love Edmund McMillen. This game shaped my taste in video games and opened my eyes to indie games when I was 12. I cannot help but love it. That being said, I do still think it's a great game with really tight controls and great music. It is flawed, but it is great.

I used to think this was just nostalgia talking, but I don't think so anymore. I don't think Game Freak has ever or will ever make a Pokemon game with this much heart and this much charm and care. This game is what made me fall in love with video games. It was the first real game I ever played and it knocked it out of the park. The cozy yet creepy atmosphere, the jazzy soundtrack, the mysterious tone, the beautiful graphics, the wintery scenery, everything. This game has shaped me in a way few games have. Playing it today, I still have a blast and begin to remember why I used to be obsessed with Pokemon.

Please note this is the NES version. As this game stands, it's a mess. Maybe the original game is much better, but as is, it's pretty rough. I don't even hate it. I think the game has clear vision especially for the time, and as a massive fan of the series, I can't express contempt towards it, but it's just not a very well made game.

Genuinely horrible. There are no good choices made in this game. The gameplay is stupid and genuinely unplayable. The graphics are ugly and unpleasant. The only reason this game is worth anything is because of its name.

This game is batshit insane. I love it.

I don't feel nearly as strongly about this one as I do with the original, but this is still absolutely a masterpiece. It does everything the first game does right and just doubles down on it.

Sorry - I just don't really understand how you could play this when TF2 exists. It was fine for its time, I'm sure.

How do you even rate this? If you want to talk about influence or standing the test of time, this is probably the easiest 10/10 you can ever give. As is stands simply as a game among other games, SMB3 is kinda better than this. It's kinda arbitrary to try to rate this for myself. It's a classic game that belongs in a museum.

This game is unfortunately a mess nowadays. The intro is very charming, but everything once you actually start playing feels clunky and unpolished. It's almost unplayable. It's a fine starting point, but it's difficult to really recommend this nowadays.