Kinda meh. The painting vacillates between "mindless" and "requires an absurd level of precision" with no real in between, and honestly, I think I'd rather pay for actual physical models instead. It's not terrible, but it doesn't really capture what I'd hoped.

Fantastic game. I enjoyed how dynamic the trials were (especially compared to something like Ace Attorney, which don't get me wrong has great trials, but being based on "real" court are much more orderly than the ones here), and I loved the investigation sections. There's little I enjoy more than that feeling when you finally piece together the whole story and know you can solve the case, and this game delivered on it. Plus, the twists it had were mostly well telegraphed, and never really felt cheap or like they just existed to be shocking. All told, this was a fantastic game.

I very nearly dropped this, actually. The game starts off very slow, both in gameplay and in plot, but when it picks up, goddamn if it doesn't go hard. Seriously, the gameplay and plot after about the midway point took this from a 2.5 stars to a 4.5 stars. The shift is that dramatic.

This improves on the first game in basically every way. Combat's better, there's more Force powers, and they're more fun to play around with. Even better, you start with all of your abilities from the last game, with no bullshit of having to regain them (which is a definite plus, because I love any game that lets me doublejump from the start).

The biggest thing I can say against it is that the story feels kind of like it drags on. The last act is emotionally satisfying, but it still feels like a few hours should be cut from the middle somewhere.

It's fine? As 2D Mario goes, it was enjoyable. A bit on the short side, but definitely enjoyable.

This was fun. I went in blind, so the story went in ways I didn't really expect it to. The characters were well crafted, I think. I spent a lot of the game kind of hating Mae, but I'm pretty sure that's the intended reaction. She does eventually grow, and becomes understandable, if not completely likeable. Definitely a fun game, and well worth a playthrough if you're into this kind of adventure game.

Fantastic game. Loved every minute of it. My queer little heart loved the overall message and themes.

It's fine. It's a decently fun game, with good music for an NES game. That being said, it hasn't really aged well.

It's decently fun, if somewhat on the easy side.

A fantastic game. I liked the command deck system much more than I thought I would, especially given how absolutely broken it lets you become. Also, for as anime as it is, the story is absolutely tragic, and I love it for that. Probably my favorite Kingdom Hearts game thus far, honestly.

Really gotta hand it to Nintendo. It takes a certain kind of attitude to create a handheld that utilizes 3D where viewing angle is important and then make a game for that handheld that uses gyro controls. Seriously, this game needs a second stick.

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I loved this. I loved the prose, I loved the themes, I loved the way it cycles around itself. I devoured this game, and I loved every second of it. I know that this kind of meta horror VN is quite popular now, but even so, this is a fantastic example of it, and it really resonated with me.

I wish I enjoyed this more than I did. I love Edgeworth, and I love the concept, but in practice it's a slog to play through. I have high hopes for the second game, but damn if I'm not a bit reluctant now.

It's fine. It's not a bad game, but it's also not nearly as good as the trilogy. Apollo feels like a secondary character in the game named after him, and that's a bit of a bummer.

A very atmospheric DS horror mystery. The problem is that for as interesting as the mystery is, the gameplay is genuinely bad and tedious, and I cannot find it in me to force myself to keep playing this.