Pretty good game and a nice sequel to RE7.

I still prefer RE7 though.

The story was little all over the place, just downright bizarre and cliché as well.

Gameplay is great though.


I like it enough. Surely a work of love and a greatly designed game.

However, I'm not a fan of roguelikes, so I quickly lost interest.

Pretty good for what it is though, more than likely the best roguelike ever made.

What a great game. Love the new mechanisms and the feel of this one.

Not my favorite of the series, but it stands tall as one of the best, for sure.

What a great remake.... As far as fidelity goes, most likely the best remake ever made.

Great horror title, oozing with ambiance.

For more replayability, a randomizer is greatly suggested.

A great exploration game with a vast and beautiful, albeit dead and empty world.

Sadly, not really a Zelda game at it's core, since it abandons a lot of the staples of the series, like dungeons, great soundtrack and poor poor Epona.

Still a great game, just not a great Zelda game.

Great game, probably one of the best Metroidvania games in existence.

Sadly, sometimes a bit grindy, with a largely superfluous arena boss rush mode, that seems to be indicated for those masochist gamers out there, since it does not provide you with any deeply meaningful rewards or experiences, except for the gloating rights.

Unfortunately shows it's age a bit, but it still has one of the greatest stories ever made for a videogame.

There's no other game out there which has a world so deeply connected to it's protagonist's mind and motivations, fears and desires.

Should be experienced by any so called gamer out there.

The best RE game ever made. A work of love and respect for the original.

Horror at it's best.

No other game has ever rivaled this one's sense of wonder and exploration.

While not a horror game, it creates deeply tense and suspenseful moments that leave you in awe.

The greatest problem, is that I'll never experience this game for the first time again.

Incredible story, engaging gameplay... This game is truly great.

The nemesis system is one of the greatest mechanisms ever designed for a game, creating unique enemies and archs in each of your playthroughs, highly engendering replayability.

It's a must play.

Truly a masterpiece of game design, ambiance and gameplay.

My favorite game of all time, I come back and play it from time to time.

Deeply satisfying, the best Soulsgame ever made, so far.

Cute game that unfortunately shows it's age in the game design and often times buggy platforming.

Interesting world, that has weirdly sexual teenagers that look like kids because of the Burtonesque art style.

More than likely, never playing it again.

Sadly, this iteration cannot be played using the Nuzlocke rules, which is the only enjoyable way I can play Pokemon games these days. Truly a shame, because otherwise, the mechanisms and gameplay are quite interesting.


Excellent game, deeply satisfying to learn. Provides an amazing martial arts experience, unrivalled so far.