Recommend Me Game OSTs!

I don't spend much time playing games lately but I do have a lot of time to listen to music so recommend me your fav OSTs for me to listen to. I will do my best to make a small review for each on this list and maybe pick out a couple fav tracks from each. And who knows, maybe someday I'll actually play some of these games.

Recommended by NOWITSREYNTIME17

This game wins for "most ambivalent I've felt so far". It's all totally fine. The thing is, I'm just not big on orchestral music. Maybe some of this stuff would hit better if I had played this game and recognized certain songs to go with places or boss fights or whatnot but without it it all just kind of blends together into a totally fine listening experience.
Recommended by letshugbro

Fuck yes, now this is some music to drift some fuckin cars too. Immaculate vibes. I have got to play this game sometime because I need the vibes first-hand. Urban Fragments is a near-perfect track.
Recommended by: BeachEpisode

I am an absolute sucker for music with a fake language in it so I've always been interested in the Ar Tonelico games and music. Not enough to actually play them or listen to the OSTs much before now but I would occasionally get reminded that they exist and think "huh, I should check that out sometime!" And now I have! At least this one soundtrack. And it's pretty good! Maybe someday I'll actually play one of those games. Are those games worth it?
Recommended by Midrulean

(I arbitrarily went with the Final Remix version of TWEWY, if this is some significant difference to the original release please let me know)

I really wish I had liked this soundtrack more but it just doesn't do anything for me. Maybe it's better within the context of playing the game but wholly separated like this it's just not very enjoyable to me. One of my issues is that when there are English lyrics I think they are really actively bad. It reminds me of how in Persona games there'll sometimes be English lyrics that aren't particularly meaningful (and sometimes borderline gibberish) except here it's done really poorly. I did like the track Three Minutes Clapping though, so there's that.
Recommended by atheneallen

This is mostly really good chill vibes music but a couple of the tracks (like maybe 2 or 3) were just complete misses for me. They are some absolute misses. But all the rest of the soundtrack is really solid!
Recommended by Malcolm_Moon4

I have to be honest, I really dislike the GBA's soundchip and the vast majority of the handheld's catalogue. But! Despite that! The Golden Sun OST is pretty good! A lot of it is like "damn, I wish I was listening to a different arrangement of this" but it's still good stuff! They worked well within the limitations and restrictions of the GBA much better than most any other GBA game I've heard.
Recommended by Woodaba

Maybe halfway through the first track I thought the style sounded really familiar and realized that it's Hiroyuki Sawano, whose work I've heard in a couple of anime soundtracks that I really like (most notably: Aldnoah Zero, a garbage anime, and ReCreators, a very good and underrated anime). I feel like this is important to note because I am a dumbass and frequently do not catch on to individual composer's specific styles and yet a lot of Sawano's work feels unique enough to my uncultured brain that I can point at it and go "hey it's that guy!!"
Recommended by Woodaba

Another banger soundtrack!! Very good stuff across the board here. Zelbess was probably my favorite track of them all but Victory ~ Summer's Cry is a solid second. Also, this served as a great reminder that I really need to pick up the remaster/rerelease thing and play through this game!!
Recommended by Uni

aw hell yes, that's that good shit. Just an all-around good time. Every song is a bop. Also this served as a good reminder that I really should finish Gravity Rush and also play the sequel. Pleasure Quarter and Douse Shinundakara were my two favorite tracks from this one, just some absolutely joyous music.
Recommended by JimTheSchoolGirl

I'll be honest, I don't really care for the GBA soundscape, generally. I think it's pretty harsh and ugly sounding and not in a way that I really vibe with, y'know. That said, I think this is pretty good for what the GBA can do but this, along with basically any other GBA OST, isn't something I'd ever really choose to listen to outside of actively playing a GBA game.
Recommended by raccoons4444

Oh this is a fun lil soundtrack! But I've never heard of this game before, I wonder what it is!


Recommended by DeltaWDunn

I'll be honest, every time I see the name "Drawn to Life" the thing that comes to mind is the terrible David Jaffe game from a few years ago "Drawn to Death", I wish my brain wasn't like this but alas.

This soundtrack is fine. Kinda unremarkable to me but completely fine.
Recommended by DustyVita and Vee

Not super into it, no that it's bad or anything, it just didn't really hit very hard for me. A lot of the tracks sound like they could've been from some obscure PSX jrpg that like three people swear is the best rpg ever but no one else has even heard of it. Out of curiosity, I checked out the AST and I liked it less but it's also not notably bad or anything like that. Just extremely mid, to me.
Recommended by ConeCvltist, Ninjabunny, and underzerotwitch

Heeelll yeeeaaaah Evergrace!! I've heard this one before but I will drop everything and listen to it any time I get reminded of it. I love weird kinda avant-garde bullshit like this. FromSoft should've done more soundtracks like this in their more recent games. Let me fight Lady Maria while Buying Goods At Palmira plays, you cowards. Would it be fitting for such a dramatic bossfight? Absolutely not. Would it be extremely funny? You fuckin' bet it would.
Recommended by Vee and DustyVita

Another solid sound track! Great music to punch people and throw them into volcanoes to. I don't have many thoughts on this one, it's just largely fine to me. A couple stand-out tracks for me were Anna Williams Ending, Nina Williams, Armour King, and the Staff Roll. I didn't listen to the AST version in addition to the OST version this time because I am Lazy.
This is MY recommendation to Y'ALL because TRI's soundtrack rules. It's weird and good and chill and it's all around great vibes, please enjoy
Recommended by Speedy

(this is for both de Blob 1 and 2)

This is... completely fine. It's largely inoffensive and generally pleasant but I didn't find any of it particularly notable in any real way. It's like elevator music. Or waiting room music. It exists and doesn't do much more than exist and, y'know what, that can be fine! Sometimes we need music that simply exists.
Recommended by: BeachEpisode

Holy shit this OST slaps. This is the first soundtrack on this list that I was disappointed in how short it was. I need to look up this composer and see what else they've done because I require more of this.

Also, the last track is an audio drama but I didn't realize that at first so after about 3 minutes of people talking I had to put down the book I was reading and was like "what the fuck is happening here". I am very smart


1 year ago

Soul Edge had the soundtrack of my childhood and I like to suggest it for these kinds of lists to see if it really is good or if it's all just me having fallen in love at such a young age with it.

1 year ago

Gravity Rush is always the right answer.

1 year ago

Evergrace, one of my favorite OSTs of all time.

1 year ago

Gonna go ahead and recommend Tekken 2 to go along with Dusty's suggestion of Soul Edge, particularly the arranged versions that appear on the PS1 port. The first game soundtrack that ever truly blew me away back then.

1 year ago

So many I'm dying to share, but I'll keep it down to just the two.

Ar Tonelico's OSTs are amazing and filled with a lot of fictional language play:

Wings of Darkness, not 2021's best game by any stretch but I think it had possibly the strongest OST?:
The World Ends With You

1 year ago

de blob 1 & 2
xenoblade chronicles wii

1 year ago

hitting you with a one two punch of two of my favorites that might as well be spiritually diametrically opposite to each other

Chrono Cross, sad, wistful, longing for a dream you can't quite remember

XENOBLADE X hyper unhinged sawano with incomprehensible track names, utterly mystifying usage in the game proper, only the strong can survive

1 year ago

Nobody has mentioned PARADISE KILLER yet so I am here to recommend PARADISE KILLER

1 year ago

I always preferred Soul Edge's OST to its AST personally but Tekken 2 is a fun one either way.

1 year ago

sonic cd, both regions
Golden Sun

1 year ago

Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter

1 year ago

DoHna DoHna: Let's Do Bad Things Together!
Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis does it for me

1 year ago

The Silver Case

1 year ago

This comment was deleted

1 year ago

As ConeCvltist has already recommended, Evergrace:
But, I'll also highly recommend Evergrace's sequel, Forever Kingdom:
I personally prefer Forever Kingdom's ost, but they are both some of my favorite soundtracks of all time.
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

1 year ago


1 year ago

each day you inch your way ever closer to forever kingdom

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