AlphaOne2's AMA (About Games)

I'm still around here or there, but my presence on this site has been pretty lacking lately. Made it no secret why, as I'm now an official homeowner. Needing to do everything for yourself is a lot more then I anticipated, go figure. Not to mention I need to spend adequate time with my amazing partner, and just haven't had enough time to play a whole lot of new games that I feel motivated to talk about (doesn't help that I love +40 hour games) nor check out as many reviews/lists from my peers then I would've liked. Sorry about that, I know I've missed a lot.

So for this list it'll be a very casual. Asking my thoughts on certain games, game characters, mechanics, systems, genres, trends, tropes, and so on. Obviously keep it to games if you can, though it's fine if you want to ask something that's both personal but still related to video games. Also I will be answering via adding to the list rather then comments, but I will let you know once your question has been answered. No limit to how many questions you can ask me, but I'll only inform you once I answered all previously asked questions. Lastly I still am busy a lot of times so it might take me a bit to get to yours. Thank you for your patience and time, and thanks in advance for any and all questions.

Monster Hunter Rise
Monster Hunter Rise
MrWarm asked: "What would the perfect game look like to you?"

Off the top of my head; take Devil May Cry's fast and fluent combat and mix it in a action-RPG with a robust class system like on Bravley Default, optional cooperative multi-player like Monster Hunter, set in a gritty steampunk world that despite its bleak atmosphere has a cast of bizzare and goofy characters, and make the game hard as Hell.

But ask me tomorrow and I'll think of something entirely different... so long as it has a class system mixed with action elements.
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
moschidae asked about my thoughts on the Elden Ring DLC.

I'll be real I had to rewatch the trailer again for this question, namely since I knew that Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance is coming out the same time and I need that game so badly Holy shit it looks so cool and gay
But anyway the trailer looked fine, but I'm honestly more excited about the weird new actions the player characters were doing like the rapid-fire crossbow, or the spinning kicks, or that giant cannon ball they just chucked into a mob of enemies. The bosses look like a pain but I wouldn't have it any other way, which I know sounds maddening but I don't know I liked the ridiculousness of the base game's boss fights. That and after ten plus years of playing these From Software games I've developed a tolerance to bad cameras.
Lost Judgment
Lost Judgment
coralqueenkanans asked "What non-rhythm/dance game had your favourite rhythm/dance gameplay in its minigame?"

Oh this was tough since I'm not into rythym games in general, but also looking back on the games I've played there aren't as many options as I thought there were. I was going to say Rayman Legends music levels but they aren't minigames so much as they're gimmick levels.
So I guess Lost Judgement's dance club since the story of that side quest was pretty alright, but I'm grasping here sorry.
DeemonAndGames asked what my favorite 3D platformer is.

Right now it's Pseudoregalia. The movement is exceptionally tight, the wall jump is the most interesting wall jump ever implemented in any game, the Metroidvania aspect that allows you to unlock new platforming moves in so many different orders, and sequence breaking through mastery over the controls is satisfying as Hell. Yeah its short, but it's very easy to replay as you can obtain your power-ups in a new order, or maybe attempt challenges without the intended upgrade as a self challenge.
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
moschidae asked about any further thoughts on Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance.

All I'll say is that I'm glad Atlus is giving the option the play the original story in this version. I'm aware of how re-releases of Atlus games can have content that can take away from the overall package rather then add (as I've heard from Persona 4 Golden) so this is a pretty smart way for both pleasing older fans and is a good step in games preservation.
But really I just want more demons and seems they're delivering that in spades. Especially the new Jack Frost which is utterly incredible.
(Also wow that cover art is incredible)
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV
DeltaWDunn asked about what game I didn't like as a kid but I do now as as adult.

This was a tough one since, unfortunately, a lot of games I've felt the opposite of. Most games that I like now from my childhood I still enjoy to this day, but very few I've come around to that I disliked initially.
If I had to choose one then it'd probably be Final Fantasy IV on the DS. In case you weren't aware, the DS port is significantly harder then any other version of FF IV. It was confusing to me as a kid as I've heard from many sources that this game was a easy entry in series, not really understanding that different versions of a game were, in fact, different. So any guides I looked up were like "This boss is no problem." And I felt like I was just really bad since, no, I can't beat even their first phase. Doesn't help that the augment system, which provides crucial abilities to your party members, is very easy to permanently screw up and in result in a near dead save. I actually had to restart the whole game after getting stuck on a boss rush (twice) before finally getting a grasp on how to play the game.
Afterwards I've come around the game as a linear RPG that demands a lot from you. Anytime I hear people claim that turned based battles are boring or mindless, this is one of the games that I immediately think of. When you're in the thick of an intense boss battle, desperately trying to recover from a near party wipe, hoping that this next attack will be the one to finish them off; it gets so intense yet invigorating. You have to use everything at your disposal, and these fights can take a while so a mistake from earlier can really come back to bite you later. All of this was too much for kid Alpha, but after playing and beating Dark Souls and getting really invested in challenging games. Also that soundtrack to this day is till aces.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Goolalala asked what my favorite Zelda is.

A Link Between Worlds. It is so tightly paced across the whole game, I love the control of Link, I think this game is a lot of fun on Hero mode where damage taken is quadrupled, the progression of buying your items to then upgrade them to badass proportions gives so much more purpose to rupees then any other Zelda game, and the soundtrack is a banger.
Pokémon Silver Version
Pokémon Silver Version
Vee asked "What draws you to Shuckle as a Pokémon?"

Three things:
1). I have a fondness for very simple faces. Plus his default expression in my profile speaks to me on a personal level.
2). I love gimmicky things in games. I find using legendaries or pseudo-legendaries in Pokémon to be pretty boring since they're often good at everything with few downsides. I enjoy working around weaknesses for my party, like Slaking whose super powerful but can only attack every other turn, or Wishiwashi who turns into the weakest Pokémon upon reaching half health, and even Kartana who has the highest attack stat but dies from a single special attack. The fact that Shuckle has the highest defense stats and almost nothing else is endlessly fascinating to me.
3). I know he's not exactly based off a turtle, but he's turtle enough for me which are my favorite animals.
Street Fighter 6
Street Fighter 6
Fizza asked "What's a series that you haven't played yet but really want to try out in the future?"

I'm very much "pick and choose" when it comes to a series. As in, I don't feel obligated to play through every game in a series and will only play ones I'm interested in. Like with Devil May Cry, I only care about III and V and have no interest in trying the other games.
That said, I want to give Street Fighter 6 a try because of its World Tour mode. Outside of Smash Bros, I've never had much interest in fighting games because of their often heavy focus on multi-player instead of a story mode (for obvious reasons). But a action-RPG style fighting game where you can customize your player characters moveset based on the existing characters sounds right up my alley. Plus I'm actually pretty invested in the characters of Street Fighter after watching a long video talking about the series lore, and I'm interested to see where they go with characters like Sagat or Menat.
I am holding off till more characters are released (beyond wave 1), but I'm definitely keeping my eye on that game.
faea asked how Bloodborne's level design stacks up (ideally without spoilers).

Bloodborne tends to focus on more large, labyrinth-esque level design with hordes of fodder enemies (that are still dangerous cause of their high damage output) mixed with areas of much tougher monsters that often guard valuable items. Not necessarily non-linear mind you, more that on a first time playthrough you'll be unsure if your going in the direction of a boss or one of many side areas with treasure and traps. Actually traps are a big thing with Bloodborne, probably more so then any other FSARPG (From Software Action RPG). Enemies love to ambush the player for carelessly approaching loot on the floor, or sometimes they'll use a fodder to let your guard down before the actual threat surprises you.
Bloodborne also loves to put difficult enemies in areas that make it difficult to avoid their large hurtboxes, mostly tight hallways that prevents you from sidestepping to their back. But that isn't always there only trick, without getting into spoilery details I always enjoyed the small section with riflemen in the woods because of how it forces the player to keep their eyes peeled for cover against the opposition.
I think I've said too much (though I don't know what qualifies as a spoiler for yourself, so I'll play it safe). Lot more interesting scenarios do exist, to the point that I can replay entire levels in my head. Bottom line I do feel Bloodborne excels in both boss battles and level design, and without either it would not be one of my favorite games.


2 months ago

What would the 'perfect' game look like to you?

2 months ago

!! Congrats alpha, im glad things sound like theyre going well for you. Livin the impossible dream of owning a house...

Hmm as for video games, blaaa uhhh thoughts on the elden ring dlc trailer? I thought it looked like a bunch of random bosses that were gonna be too big for the camera to capture and like, maybe one cool guy. Did they even show miquella? Was that voice his? If he isnt voiced by the same dude who did all the other fromsoft effiminate men then ill be PISSEDdd

2 months ago

@MrWarm @moschidae Questions answered!
This comment was deleted
What non-rhythm/dance game had your favourite rhythm/dance gameplay in its minigame?

2 months ago

Yooooooooooo congrats! Super happy to know things are going great, and seing you around here is always wonderful, but please take your time and you do not need to apologize at all, I'm beyond sure everyone on here understands :D.

As for gaming related questions... what's the game your favorite 3D Platformer? I just started playing one today and I'm on a platformer mood, and I'm curious to know which is the one you consider your favorite!

2 months ago

@coralqueenkanans & @DeemonAndGames You had questions, and I've answered them. Satisfaction not guaranteed

2 months ago

I can relate to not having as much presence here lately, although for different reasons than yours. I may take this idea if you don't mind.

Anyway, are there any games that you didn't like as a kid but now love? If so, why did you not like it before, and why do you now? People talk about the inverse a lot, but being pleasantly surprised by a game you're familiar with is really cool imo.

2 months ago

finally a smtv lover... vegenence looks soo cool (and gay) and they seem to be focusing a lot on that new female protag which im grateful for. I love ☆revenge☆ in my games so im very hyped for this new story And even more hyped to play smt again with my favorite blue haired demon boy.... if you have any more thoughts on Vengeance btw id be happy to hear them, i feel like im the only person who enjoyed og smtv so i hope this revamp will make everyone sit down and appreciate its potential

2 months ago

What is your favourite Zelda game?

2 months ago

What draws you to Shuckle as a pokemon?

2 months ago

@moschidae @DeltaWDunn @Goolalala @Vee Four questions asked and answered.

2 months ago

What's a series that you haven't played yet but really want to try out in the future?

2 months ago

@Fizza Question answered. Thank you

2 months ago

Since I see bloodborne listed as one of your faves - most of the praise I see for it is in the combat itself, but when it comes to souls games I'm most interested in the level design (my favourite bits tend to involve putting weaker enemies in tricky spots to make them difficult, or just putting you in weird and uncomfortable situations). How do you think bloodborne stacks up in that sense? I haven't had the chance to play it yet and I've avoided most things about it to avoid spoilers so this is out of pure curiosity rather than, like, an interrogation or something lol

2 months ago

@faea Answered, though not sure I did the question justice

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