Felt like a chore to get thru at the end
But at least the game is still fun beyond the story

In my restless dreams,
I see that town.
Silent Hill
What a great game man :sob:
Glad I decided to give it a try.

gameplay good
ARR story bad
onto heavensward I go

Took me 18hrs to beat the story on hard.
The hard mode is generally not that challenging, but the game overall was extremely fun.
Can't wait to get into endgame stuff now.
Cag my carry :kneel:

Extremely fun to play with friends.
Putting it on hold until new updates come out cause im too lazy to mod it

Extremely fun game
Took me 64hrs to beat all tower bosses, but what a blast it was :sob:
My favorite survival crafting game by a long shot.
Also Ribunny ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh :anger: :sob:

About 4 years too late, but still holds up for me
Been having fun every night before I go to sleep.
They also let me have a :3 face so +0.5stars for that

Yet another fun Monster Hunter game
Glad I picked it up
Now to get Iceborne...

Extremely enjoyable game w friends.
Need to beat Sunbreak one day