When I first played this game in 2019, I enjoyed it a lot. But, I didn't see how special this series was until earlier last year when I played Bravely Second and this year Bravely Default 2.

The obvious qualities of this game is the combat, Team Asano crafted one of the best turn based combat systems in any game I've played. The amount of depth and variety the combat has to offer is astounding. And the boss fights actually force you to use variety, so you are forced to take advantage of the complexity. No grinding is ever needed if you have a proper strategy. Getting my ass kicked by a boss fight then spending a while theory crafting different builds and strategies until I figure out the best strategy feels so good. And the fact that Bravely Default 2s combat is even better is whats crazy. There are some dominant strategies like Stillness but this game is a tool box free to experiment with how you wish.

The art style is beautiful, not just for a 3DS game, but in general. The fact that I think this game looks way better than Bravely Default 2 A SWITCH GAME shows how fantastic the art direction was for this game. Revo created one of the best gaming soundtracks I've ever heard, the music is genuinely a masterpiece.

Finally the story, I love it. This game has Ringabel my guy. Of course the cast is amazing. The game's greatest use of story is how it incorporates the player itself and their feelings into the theming of the game. I wont go into spoilers, but all I'll say is one of the big themes of Bravely Default series is for the player to persevere with the party even if every action you take feels futile or meaningless. I also love the twist villain because the game uses your expectations against you to pull the rug from under you.

There is one big flaw with this game sadly, as you've all probably heard. Chapter 5-8 is basically recycles content. Now, narrative wise, this is genius, I cant explain because of spoilers but the act of "repeating the cycle" and the feeling of "futility" comes in again. But at the end of the day, repeating the same content gets boring, it fitting the story is irrelevant to this. Bravely Default 2 did a similar idea much better.

Overall, would I recommend this RPG to anyone like how I would, Persona 5? No, I can fully admit this game isn't for everyone, but for me, it's one of the goats.

This is in fact, the third or second best Sonic game ever made. I'm not sure yet.

Speed stages are goat obviously. Mech stages are great if you apply the mod that improves the controls and the treasure hunting stages are also great if you add the radar improvement mod. Without these mods, they are still fun, just a bit more annoying.

The story is interesting, some might dislike it for the inconsistent voice acting and aged animations and such. But me? I see the heart of this game, I see how Shadow isn't just some edgelord, he is a living and breathing character with depth. The finale is one of the best in gaming due to the high pumping stakes and music but then right after the ultimate sacrifice is made for the greater good, then ending on a melancholy note. This game's story isn't super serious, but when it is it's done extremely well.

Finally, the replayability of this game is insane, I love how hard getting A ranks is, the amount of extra missions and the Chao garden. This game can easily last 100's of hours.

I just got so burnt out from the terrible gameplay of Innocent Sin, when I tried to play this right after I just straight up gave up at the boss because I was fed up. Going to come back to it, but it's probably a bad game like Innocent Sin.

I expected a fun but forgettable handheld title like Sonic Colors DS but I ended up playing my favourite 2D Sonic game in the franchise. The rush style gameplay is superb, with excellent level design and a focus on tricks. The boat sections were very fun because it's a nice change of pace with fun shoot em up gameplay. Not to mention it has my favourite special stages in the series. Even the story is great, it's not peak fiction or anything but it has cool moments and plot twists. Overall, I'd consider this my favourite DS game if I'm honest. Awesome game!

I just wasn't feeling this one compared to Advance 2. I don't like the level design or the partner gimmick. Felt too slow for me. I also don't like the hubworld, I thought it was a neat idea but idk it just wasn't meshing with me. The game is still very charming though, Advance games have such a timeless art style and music.

This update has a lot of people heated but honestly I enjoyed it a ton. For the most part I loved how hard it was, after years of easy as piss Sonic games I finally had the challenge I've been missing since Sonic Unleashed's DLC stages. The playable characters were super fun and unique besides Knuckles. He was alright but his gliding was sucky. He got his 06 moveset back lol. But I loved Amy and Tails, especially Amy who I might prefer playing over Sonic honestly. The story didnt blow my mind or anything until the final boss. When that cutscene played I felt like I was a kid again playing the Unleashed final boss for the first time, that shit was magical. While it has a lot of jank at times and sometimes didnt even feel playtested, this was some of the most fun I've had all year. I really hope they patch this so more people can enjoy it as much as me.

This is the peak of 2D Mario at the moment. Fantastic, fun creative levels. A big step up creativity wise that breaks the mold of the franchise. However I still feel like 2D Mario is nowhere near the peak of what it could be yet. The fact this has a lot of room to grow makes me excited for the new, fresh direction this franchise is going in. And lets hope for a less underwhelming final boss too.

I wasn't the biggest Half Life stan. I thought the franchise was good but it wasn't anything special to me. Then I played this game and my mind has been blown out the water. This is my second favorite shooter ever made, despite being in VR, mechanics aren't stripped back, in fact, it's the most involved Half Life game I've played. Combat is intense and exciting, ducking for cover in real life is just so cool, aiming feels satisfying, reloading with gestures just feels so great. Puzzle solving requires a lot of physical precision, thought and speed. The exploration for weapon upgrade crystals encouraged me to explore every nook and cranny from opening shelves to smashing boxes open. The entire game is immersive but also mechanically satisfying and well designed. It's almost perfect. The story is the best Valve has ever told, it made me care about the Half Life world, I did care a little bit from previous games but this game's characters, world building and plot twists near the end got me fully immersed in it's world Valve is trying to show. The ending which I won't spoil had me so freaked out due to how insane the plot twist was, it leads so perfectly into Half Life 2 since it is a prequel. Overall, this is easily Valves best game ever made, I hope it becomes more accessible in the future through platforms like Oculus Quest platform and PS VR. Awesome experience.

This is indeed one of the best 3DS JRPGs in the market.

The battle system is pretty incredible, it's strategic and has the perfect challenge... well in boss fights anyways. Yes, the random battles are a joke due to the auto-pinpoint app. Press L and you simply win the battle. Now I wouldn't have opted to use it but the amount of random encounters is a lot. So using the auto-pinpoint also removed the tedium the game would have had without it, and besides, random battles are a joke without auto battle anyways.

Surprisingly, the exploration is great, level design is actually fun to traverse through the general areas of Tokyo and the varied dungeons. I personally preferred the level design to something like SMT 5 which felt too open and had repetitive locales and terribly designed dungeons. The graphics are fantastic for a 3DS game, the low resolution is masked by the dark, gritty atmosphere the game holds, it's really well executed. Oh and the music is incredible.

Finally, the story and world building was fantastic, it's not peak Atlus story telling, however it does have the best worldbuilding out of any Atlus game. All the crazy factions, locations, lore and history this world held was a delight to uncover overtime. Visiting parallel worlds and shaping the very destiny of the world made me feel like my actions mattered in this detailed tapestry Atlus has created.

Even the characters are great, Johnathon and Walter were pretty good representatives of their alignment, I feel like Walter isn't as nuanced as Johnathon but he's still cool. I like how your dialogue choices forces you into an alignment, it's like everything you say matters. Oh and Issabeu was just funny for that manga line lmfao.

So really, this game is great, but it's biggest weakness is the random battles, if those were actually challenging and less plentiful I'd have this game at a strong 9. But even despite that, the gameplay is still superb, would highly recommend this to any JRPG enthusiast

Are you looking for a fun, strategic RPG with great maps, amazing unit variety? How about a story with a focus on decision making navigating a world rife with corruption, factions and politics? Well this is the SRPG for you. Not to mention the music and HD 2D art style is amazing like Octopath Traveller. The voice acting is very strange at first, but the subdued almost casual performances grow on you quite quickly, at least for me. The menuing and camera can be a pain, but overall I highly recommend this to any Switch owner who is a fan of JRPGs.

Pretty much perfect for me besides the boss fights which I hope they expand on mechanically in Persona 6. I also wished there was a harder difficulty but its a very minor gripe. Truly an immaculate experience from top to bottom.

It is a lot better than the first game for sure. Level design, bosses and the art style have improved a lot since the first game. The game is a lot more original too! Like the partner abilities is a fun idea. And the level themes and boss fights are original ideas too. I'm pleasantly surprised with this game, would recommend for the $2 I got it for.

Bro either I have extreme P4 brainrot or this is a genuinely fantastic spinoff game.... The rhythm gameplay is great, just like Persona 3 Dancing but the music selection is 10x better. Not to mention the note placement feels a lot fairer at least to me....

But the main thing I wanna hit on is the story mode. This didn't deserve to be this good. The premise is insane, but once you look past that, it's surprisingly well written. Kanami is a really neat addition to the cast, and ties into the central themes and mystery really well... I was thoroughly engaged throughout most of the plot, each character is used really well. It may just be retreading Persona 4's themes, but it does it in a different enough way to stand out. Sometimes the dialogue pacing can be a little slow, and I wish Kanami had more development with Nanako and Yuko, but for it to be this good is a testament to me.

Definitely get this if you have P4 brainrot lol, it actually has a lot of passion behind it unlike Persona 3 Dancing

Jackson was right this is an awesome game! The haters are wrong. As a person who now plays games for gameplay first, this was easily one of my favorite games to play this year. The map design was genuinely fantastic. And the emblems are such a well designed mechanic, they make you feel so powerful but it doesnt trivialise the game because man did this game kick my ass at times. Peak/10 Goat/10. Hope future FE games play like this.

I didn't beat this fully by myself, me and my brother did 3 and 2 nights respectively on a whim, it was pretty fun. Scared shitless constantly but it has aged very well with pretty fun mechanics. Fun to play with people for sure.