In my books, this is the best Kart racer you could ever play. Mario Kart 8 is awesome. But this has a mission mode. And I think the boating and flying is far more fleshed out than the gliding or anti gravity mechanic. It's not as refined as Mario Kart but I just found it more interesting. Definitely recommend both though if you want a fun Kart racer

I think it's pretty obvious the writers of this game were inspired by the Persona stories. And while I dont think it comes close to those... for what it is I did like the story and characters for the most part... There were characters I hated for most of the game like Asahi and Toki but then there were the best boys Gaston and Hallelujah. The character development could have used more screen time however they probably didnt want too many cutscenes as SMT tends to be more gameplay focused over Persona. Overall I liked the cast and how varied they were in their backgrounds and personalities but it could've been better. Hearing Asahi and Toki fight to simp over the main character was just so cringe, I dont really like how Toki went from a badass child assassin to... whatever she ended up becoming. I loved Dadga, he's really cool and I love the philosophy he holds in contrast with the "power of friendship" theme the group cast had. I also think all the background lore and how it's expanded from 4 is really sick even if I didnt understand all of it. The story was definitely mixed at times but it had enough stand out moments for me to consider it better than most game stories. And I really did love the ending, it felt satisfying after the climax of fighting Yhvh with Flynn and the original cast from SMT 4. It wrapped everything up perfectly and it was just so sweet seeing a happy ending. Gameplay was about as good as 4 it's just a bit easier, but smirking feels less random and the addition of proper partners that feels like a proper mechanic you have to account for and not just a random annoyance like in 4 certainly makes the battle system to me better. The only problem with the gameplay is the final 2 dungeons which drag on for way too long... other than that though it was great.

I honestly didn't expect much from this game, I've never touched Kirby before but this game surpassed my expectations in almost every way.

The levels were genuinely excellent. Great platforming and puzzle elements, and the copy ability adds a lot of variety. Level themes and environmental storytelling is top notch.

I think this game highlights a problem of Mario for me where levels don't feel like they are telling a story, instead feeling like you're going through a bunch of disconnected levels and worlds with no cohesion. With this game, it really felt like I was wondering through a unique world with it's own story to tell.

Speaking of the story. The lore was pretty cool, as I said I've never played a Kirby game before so I didn't expect anything like that. Boss fights were awesome too, it's too bad I learnt the dodge roll later into the game because after that it was so fun to abuse it. Felt like I was playing an easy version of a Souls game when fighting the bosses.

I never died once in this playthrough, I even did the post game but I didn't die once, but the challenge still felt perfectly fine to me, it even felt decently hard at times (in the post game).

Kirby and the Forgotten Land ended up being one of my favourite platformers to date, if Kirby had more 3D platformers like this it would easily elevate it to one of my favourite Nintendo franchises, possibly even beating out Mario. Hoping for a sequel to this game with this amount of quality and passion.

This was pretty fun, it wasn't spectacular or anything it was just a fun tight shooter, was pretty short so the pacing was good, never overstayed it's welcome. The story is intriguing, interested to see where Episode 2 goes. Also the graphics are pretty great even by todays standards.

Kojima is simply a genius, I was sceptical of this game because I thought that in it's attempt to be "different" it would fail to be a fun game. I'm sure glad I was wrong. The gameplay is unique, heck, it's an entirely new genre of game itself, it's a "postman simulator". Never seen anything like it but it's very good, basic traversal is a challenge, it's the most fun traversal in any game I've played. Basic movement is so fun, using equipment strategically feels satisfying, planning out journeys makes me feel smart, collaborating with players to add infrastructure to the world to make delivering easier makes me feel like I'm helping myself and others out. Besides the stealth and combat which doesn't take up a lot of time, I thoroughly enjoyed the gameplay, it was simply refreshing. The story is superb, I expected this, it lived up to my expectations, the world and lore is about as weird as I imagined but it's surprisingly heartfelt and has excellent characters. Overall, this game isn't for everyone, but I really think if you are open to unique experiences, try this game, it's a breath of fresh air from all the Ubisoft Open World games.

This game was pretty dope. The best thing about it is how weird and creative it is. The level themes, the setting, the music, art style and the time travel mechanics are just so crazy I can't help but love it. Sonic feels great to control as always and the Toei Animated cutscenes are actually amazing to watch to this day. Easy recommend, it's pretty easy but I don't mind that.

I remember this game quite fondly, it was one of my first "real" JRPGs I ever played, and I loved it. Since then, I've played a lot more JPRGs so does this hold up to being my top 10 games still? Unfortunately no. While I love the combat still, compared to it's spiritual predecessor (Bravely Default), the difficulty really is way too easy. A hard mode would've been appreciated.

It suffers with a similar problem Persona 5 has, where the combat has a lot of depth and can be super engaging, but you'll be constantly finding yourself killing bosses on first tries with ease. With Persona 5, I usually do challenge runs to make the game more balanced against me, so next time I play this game, I might do something similar. As I said though, the combat is still a blast, and breaking the game was fun, AND the true final boss was a worthy challenge. So it's not the end of the world I suppose.

The art style and music is obviously amazing so I wont harp on that. The stories though? Well most games follow a long form story arc, this game instead opts for 8 mini stories. While I do like how unique this is, the downsides are that characters cant be fleshed out much and lack screentime. The pacing of the stories can also feel too quick at times. I still liked the stories, and liked how they were all connected together.

Overall, while it isn't as good as I remember, I still had a blast playing it. And you will too if you like traditional JRPG combat. Give it a go if you want

I mean, I just really think the combat and missions are antithetical to fun. Swinging a sword and hitting an enemy feels.... weightless... and some enemies have loads of health. And guns have little to no impact either. Missions are basically "go to this island", "kill a bunch of enemies and collect this skull". It's just... ehhh... But, I did play this mainly with my friends, and any game with friends is automatically more entertaining. My friends enjoy this, and I respect that, good for them. But you'd never catch me playing this alone.

Not as good as the first game. But still a pretty incredible experience. I like the themes it tackles like the benefits and detriments to religion, the cycle of revenge, forgiveness and identity. The protaganists are morally grey which makes them extremely interesting in how they interact with other characters and what choices they make. Both of their arcs are extremely well done. Gameplay was pretty awesome, resources are limited so you have to try to be stealthy usually, can make for some tense moments. And the checkpoint system takes away any frustration for me. Amazing graphics, best I've ever seen. Music was forgettable besides some scenes. Ending was incredible, yet melancholy too. Raw game

Its a really touching story about Sumire overcoming the loss of her Grandma and dealing with other interpersonal struggles like dealing with her parents splitting up or her friends disconnecting from her. Seeing her overcome all these simple but meaningful trials just felt so nice and wholesome to see. It's a really nice short tale almost anyone can relate to.

I expected a fun but forgettable handheld title like Sonic Colors DS but I ended up playing my favourite 2D Sonic game in the franchise. The rush style gameplay is superb, with excellent level design and a focus on tricks. The boat sections were very fun because it's a nice change of pace with fun shoot em up gameplay. Not to mention it has my favourite special stages in the series. Even the story is great, it's not peak fiction or anything but it has cool moments and plot twists. Overall, I'd consider this my favourite DS game if I'm honest. Awesome game!

When I first played this game in 2019, I enjoyed it a lot. But, I didn't see how special this series was until earlier last year when I played Bravely Second and this year Bravely Default 2.

The obvious qualities of this game is the combat, Team Asano crafted one of the best turn based combat systems in any game I've played. The amount of depth and variety the combat has to offer is astounding. And the boss fights actually force you to use variety, so you are forced to take advantage of the complexity. No grinding is ever needed if you have a proper strategy. Getting my ass kicked by a boss fight then spending a while theory crafting different builds and strategies until I figure out the best strategy feels so good. And the fact that Bravely Default 2s combat is even better is whats crazy. There are some dominant strategies like Stillness but this game is a tool box free to experiment with how you wish.

The art style is beautiful, not just for a 3DS game, but in general. The fact that I think this game looks way better than Bravely Default 2 A SWITCH GAME shows how fantastic the art direction was for this game. Revo created one of the best gaming soundtracks I've ever heard, the music is genuinely a masterpiece.

Finally the story, I love it. This game has Ringabel my guy. Of course the cast is amazing. The game's greatest use of story is how it incorporates the player itself and their feelings into the theming of the game. I wont go into spoilers, but all I'll say is one of the big themes of Bravely Default series is for the player to persevere with the party even if every action you take feels futile or meaningless. I also love the twist villain because the game uses your expectations against you to pull the rug from under you.

There is one big flaw with this game sadly, as you've all probably heard. Chapter 5-8 is basically recycles content. Now, narrative wise, this is genius, I cant explain because of spoilers but the act of "repeating the cycle" and the feeling of "futility" comes in again. But at the end of the day, repeating the same content gets boring, it fitting the story is irrelevant to this. Bravely Default 2 did a similar idea much better.

Overall, would I recommend this RPG to anyone like how I would, Persona 5? No, I can fully admit this game isn't for everyone, but for me, it's one of the goats.

This is in fact, the third or second best Sonic game ever made. I'm not sure yet.

Speed stages are goat obviously. Mech stages are great if you apply the mod that improves the controls and the treasure hunting stages are also great if you add the radar improvement mod. Without these mods, they are still fun, just a bit more annoying.

The story is interesting, some might dislike it for the inconsistent voice acting and aged animations and such. But me? I see the heart of this game, I see how Shadow isn't just some edgelord, he is a living and breathing character with depth. The finale is one of the best in gaming due to the high pumping stakes and music but then right after the ultimate sacrifice is made for the greater good, then ending on a melancholy note. This game's story isn't super serious, but when it is it's done extremely well.

Finally, the replayability of this game is insane, I love how hard getting A ranks is, the amount of extra missions and the Chao garden. This game can easily last 100's of hours.

This was one of the first JRPGs I ever played, so coming back to this game was interesting. Does it hold up? Absolutely.

The story is incredibly endearing to me, it's world is incredibly imaginative and creative due to the Ghibli influence, the characters are fun and quirky. It's lighthearted on the surface, but there are a lot of darker aspects like references to mass genocide, war and famine which gives the game stakes. The villains are the best part of the story due to their incredibly well written backstory and sympathetic motivations. Oliver is a fantastic protaganist that really grows into his own.

The gameplay is interesting, for the first 5 hours it's frankly bad, you mash the attack button and occasionally guard. But after you unlock Esther, it gets a lot better. Strategies open up, you unlock more familiars (Pokemon). This game can kick your ass sometimes though so be prepared for that, I never grinded once though so it's entirely fair (besides the final boss).

Overall, this is a fun, charming 35 hour adventure I'd recommend to most JRPG enthusiasts or Ghibli fans.

I just got so burnt out from the terrible gameplay of Innocent Sin, when I tried to play this right after I just straight up gave up at the boss because I was fed up. Going to come back to it, but it's probably a bad game like Innocent Sin.