This game confused me beyond comprehension, I didn't even have any idea how the controls work


One of the best multiplayer experiences of my life. I'm a bit sad that I don't really get to play Nintendo Land anymore :/

Thanks, I hate it.

One time the game glitched so hard that I had to reply the entire stage that I had just played for almost an hour.

The guiltiest of all my pleasures.

This game exhausted me. It was genuinely draining to play.

Weird game that gets surprisingly deep and emotional after starting out as a seemingly mindless game. Little Inferno excellently uses the advantages of its medium to create a unique narrative experience that would only be possible as a video game. Small unique games like this are why I love this medium so much.

What an actual banger! Great 2D platformer with loads of content that manages to shake up the gameplay with every single campaign. The fact that they even went the extra mile and kept updating the older console versions deserves my utmost respect. The soundtrack is fire as well.

I had a decent time with Pocket Dungeon, but it didn't really manage to captivate me for a long time.

Frustratingly disappointing. Levels feel as if they came straight from my confusing Mario Maker creations and that is not a compliment. This game is not about memorising the layout of a level and thinking on your feet like the original Super Meat Boy, but rather about pure trial and error as well as memorising the inputs required for the current section. The whole section thing is weird too, since at the end of a level, you don't feel like you just completed an entire level. Because you didn't. You just completed a series of sections. But the game would also be impossible if you had to play the levels in one go.

The glitchy bonus world is kinda cool tho.

This right here is my favourite 2D platformer of all time. It's so stylish and the controls feel incredibly smooth! The soundtrack is also really great and I also love the level design.

Most people would say: But didn't Rayman Legends improve on Origins in every aspect?

And I would agree, BUT!!! Origins has one key thing going for it that Legends lacks:

A sense of cohesion and adventure. To me, Legends feels like a level pack. Which is fine. But because Origins has a n actual world map and consistent world themes, it feels more like an epic journey to me, which is pretty important to me.

It's sad how overlooked this game is, if you ask me.

This right here is peak Mario & Luigi. The humour is spot-on, the soundtrack is great, the story is captivating and weird, the gameplay is versatyle thanks to controlling Mario & Luigi as well as Bowser... It really has everything

Excellent game! Yes, there is barely any side stuff here, but it's so unique, I love it. It's goofy, but serious and dark at the same time. The entire game is so damn memorable and it gets especially intense in the end.

From a level design standpoint, I prefer this game over Super Mario Bros. 3. It's so damn creative and iconic, wow! But there is one thing that turns me off here: The controls. Idk why, but they feel a bit too slippery for my liking. I'm falling down so often here, it's weird and feels a bit unfair and frustrating.