Nice! What a classic! Most NES games are unplayable to me, but this is one of the few games on the console that I actually enjoy!

Screw this game, oh my god, it's so sadistic. Lost levels? More like get lost, levels!

This game is so weird, I like it. The controls also hold up incredibly well!

A revolutionary game that I just can't play anymore these days. The fact that the game's controls are unbearable for me really show how far platformers have come over the years. An absolute classic, sure, but I don't enjoy playing it.

This is an improvement to basically every single aspect of Breath of the Wild. Seriously, I don't think I'll ever be able to play BotW again after having played Tears of the Kingdom. And yet it lacks one thing:

The impact.

Okay, to be fair, this is not the game's fault. BotW just came out at a different time and a sequel like this just doesn't hit quite the same way.

And that's alright.

Because this game is still loads of fun, there are so many ways to interact with the environment, it's crazy. I'm not nearly creative enough to actually utilise Ultra Hand to its fullest potential, but I appreciate its inclusion nonetheless.

I also wish the game leaned more into the creepy spooky vibe that the very first teaser gave off. And I also wish that there would be more to do in the underground. Overall, it really is BotW, but bigger and better. At this point, it's impossible to go back. But nevertheless, this game wasn't able to give me the memories of wonder and discovery that BotW gave me.

Honestly, I can't decide, which WarioWare I like the most, they all have their own charm. Including this one!

WarioWare is at its best when it really uses the respective console's gimmicks!

I love WarioWare, it's quick frantic fun. And this one is one of the very best! It aged incredibly well, especially for being the first in the series. Yes, it's short, but that's kind of the point. It's video game junk food!

A nice Metroidvania game. Unfortunately, I am too stupid to understand the plot xD

The world design is alright, but I would have appreciated more moments, where the map cleverly loops around itself, like Super Metroid. What this game also lacks (at least until the end) is movement. There is just one basic running speed and it works, but it's just kinda boring to control, not very exciting. Some bosses towards the end are also just annoying without any recognisable patterns, the same goes for some of the game's enemies.

But damn it, I still enjoyed it overall. Everything here screams Metroid and it was incredibly refreshing to not know which upgrade would come next for a change, since there are some really creative abilities here!

A fun, goofy 2D platformer with very cool level ideas. Anything can happen here! I just love how unique the Wario Land series is. However, the controls feel a bit too stiff for my liking. Idk, movement is very important to me in 2D platformers.

This game is the definition for "causual street football" for me. It all screams casual fun. The somewhat improvised courts, the low-key outfits, the casual rules (anything is allowed), it all comes together in a game that is really great for occasionally playing a few matches with your buddies. This is one of the many gems of the GameCube library!

This has got to be the most unique Mario sports game there is. And of all things it's about football, one of THE most mainstream sports in the world. The irony!

Charged is just such a stylised game, I love it. The mechanic of charging up your ball along with the special shots of both the captains and the team mates, the unique maps and everything else they added guarantees a chaotic match every time you play. Anything can happen here. And the campaign is also brutally difficult, so you have something to really sink your teeth into.

However, having to catch the special shot balls with the Wii-mote is too gimicky for my liking. And this game is also not really well-suited for playing against friends, because there's always one person who is way better than everyone else, because they actually know the game.

Yet still, the game's sheer amount of personality makes this one of my favourite Mario spin-offs. Everyone is so expressive here and the characters show facets of themselves that they usually never do. It's a great time!

I despise DK 64. The controls feel sluggish, which isn't a problem in and of itself (I also felt that way about Banjo-Kazooie's controls, but enjoyed that game nonetheless), but couple that with the mechanic that collectibles are character specific and you have a recipe for a game that annoys the heck out of me. DK 64 feels like busy-work to me.

Wow, this game aged horribly. The controls are so slippery, it's really difficult to get used to that. However, there's some appeal for me here. Idk why, maybe because it's the first one, maybe because of the beautiful sprite art or maybe because of the soundtrack (which is a bop btw), but I played this game for far longer than I would have expected.

I really dislike this game's controls. As someone who didn't grow up with Mario Kart 64, this game is borderline unplayable for me :/

The battle mode here is really cool tho, one of the best!