Unpopular opinion time: I enjoy Battle League! I like that they had the courage to change the gameplay as much ad they did. It allows for a completely different experience in comparison to the previous games. Idk, it seems way more competitive, which I appreciate.

Yes, Charged is still my favourite Strikers game, but I actually think all the new mechanics are really interesting. Yes, there are no cool map gimmicks anymore, but to me, those were more or a nuisance in Charged anyway.

However, the club system is very eh, since you are basically relying on the activity of other players, which I really don't like. In addition, stalling once you are a few goals ahead is by far the smartest option you have, which is very sad...

Absolutely disappointing game. The maps are basic, the gameplay of the previous entries was oversimplified and there just isn't that much to do here...

This game doesn't have the intuitive level maker of its predecessor, nor does it have its unique charm, but I really appreciate all of the new content (yes, even the online multiplayer) that they put in here.

This game was made for the Wii U. It's so rare to see a game that actually uses the Gamepad in a meaningful way, but they really pulled it off with Mario Maker. Making levels is so intuitive and user oriented, it's ingenious.

The first Mario Maker also has a certain charm that is not featured by its sequel. Idk, stuff like the fly swatting minigame or the weird sound effects that everyone overused just gave this game a very unique and quirky identity.

However, so many things were missing here. No slopes for example? How did we ever survive without them? And most levels that you find online are also trash, but that's to be expected and also part of the fun.

I don't know why, but I have a soft spot for Smash 64. It's the first Smash game I played for more than one or two matches.

Idk, it's super basic in comparison to the other Smash games, but I actually prefer Smash 64 over both Melee and Brawl, which even I have to admit is weird. I have never heard from anyone else who has this opinion. I guess I just prefer 64's controls.

To be honest, there isn't really any reason to play Smash 4 today. All other entries have something to distinguish themselves:

-Smash 64: where it all began
-Smash Melee: the competitive darling
-Smash Brawl: the janky, odd, edgy, casual darling. Also subspace
-Smash Ultimate: the newest one, also the most satisfying to play (in my opinion

Heck, even the 3DS version is superior content wise because of Smash Run.

As a result, Smash 4 is the most eh, most irrelevant entry in the franchise.

I'm not really a huge fan of Melee. I never got comfortable with its controls. It just feels so stiff to control to me, like playing it makes me physically cramp up. Yes, it improved on Smash 64 in every way imaginable and watching competitive Melee is a lot of fun, but I don't enjoy playing it myself.

Quite a fun hack! It's rare to see hacks for Smash 64, which makes Smash Remix so refreshing to play and clearly, a lot of love and care was put into this one. Idk, I just have a soft spot for Smash 64

I have a very weird love-hate relationship with this game. I really dislike everything about it, how it controls, the music, how it feels to play, how it looks etc. But playing it with friends is oddly... fun? Idk, the jank just makes it fun to play in multiplayer and it can get weirdly intense. I've had some surprisingly fun matches.

This game makes me so fucking mad, omg, I hate playing it

This game bored me to death. Idk, I'm just not a huge fan of puzzle platformers.

Before Breath of the Wild came along, this was my favourite Zelda game. Back then, this often made me feel like the odd one out but these days, it's a lot more common to find people who enjoy this game.

Idk why, but the motion controls are just enjoyable to me. Yes, they sometimes make me yell at the screen, but I feel like it works a lot more often than most people say. I also liked the linearity of the different areas. It's as if the entire overworld is a dungeon this time around. Speaking of dungeons, those are great here as well. Think of the sand ship or the water temple (which is actually a lot of fun in this Zelda game, weird, I know).

And the art style, it's so gorgeous! Everything looks like a painting and the game aged incredibly well because of it. Skyward Sword is also the first Zelda game with a fully orchestrated soundtrack, if I remember correctly, which is just a perfect match for this franchise.

I could go on for a lot longer about what I love about Skyward Sword, like the characters, the atmosphere, the premise that Zelda is Link's girlfriend now, the game's setting in the beginning of the timeline etc etc...

WOW WOW WOW what an excellent trilogy. These were the first Metroid games that I have ever played through and I'm glad I started with the Prime trilogy. The extra dimension adds so much depth to the world and its gameplay. So much atmosphere is conveyed here.

And the games all aged so well! They still look incredible and are hella addicting, although some design decisions seem outdated by today's standards (scarce saving rooms for instance).

The Prime games are also similar enough to be called a series but at the same time different enough that every entry is distinct and unique, which I love.

I love short video games. Pikmin has the perfect length, it doesn't overstay its welcome. It's also highly replayable (although I don't really replay games lol). There's something so refreshing about seeing Nintendo try their hands on creating a new IP. Pikmin is just so unique and different as a result. This is one of the many proofs that the GameCube library aged super well.