cool adventure/horror game, atmosphere, visual-style and sound-design are very good but essentially killing the Amnesia formula by removing everything that made the previous one so great was kind of dumb tho.

amazing writing, characters and especially the whole final portion of the story remain the best in the entire franchise.

as a whole game it always seemed more janky and somewhat clumsy compared to Brotherhood, it does not seem as polished as that game in many areas notably side-content.

impressive visuals(particularly the Weather effects) and world-design, amazingly written dialogue and characters, immersive monster-hunting, fantastic music and serviciable melee combat.

issues I had with the game are by far the movement being a lot clunky and janky, repetitive quest design pretty much every quest in the game requires the use of the Witcher Senses, and the titular villains being forgettable.

simply peak Dead Space, gameplay is crisp and satisfying compared to it's predecessor, level-design and pacing is masterful, storyline is full of amazing voice-acting and writing, atmosphere and visual/sound-designs is god-tier.

must-play for any survival horror/third-person action games fan.

way better than a Machine for Pigs since this one have actual difficult monster encounters, scarier atmosphere and good puzzles.

gameplay-wise Rebirth returns to the series's roots with Inventory management and Sanity system with only minor changes with the addition of Matches which replaces Tinderboxes from the previous game. by returning to the series's roots the game is overall more interesting to play as opposed to the Walking-sim approach that AMFP did

presentation is also great, good enviroments and art-direction not to mention the sound-design.

in terms of the main campaign, I think the game really shined through on the first few sections especially the ones you need to traverse an old Desert Fort, after it the game kinda falls flat since most of the reminder of the journey is set on an alternate world with not much interesting puzzles or engaging storylines.

the story is a bit confusing and falls flat later on, Tasi is a great main protagonist for the game and making her fully voiced was a right move IMO, the voice-acting is superb but overall the narrative is a bit difficult to follow nevertheless.

overall a big improvement over a Machine for Pigs but still feels a weak game compared to the Dark Descent, by far my favorite in this series.

big step-up over Gears of War 4, the shooting feels punchier and satisfying and the campaign's overall ideas were a breath of fresh air after playing 4 games in a row, by far one of my favorites in the series now.

presentation is once again phenomenal, the Gears of War franchise continues to push the Unreal Engine's limits and the game is just gorgeous all around.

story-wise is decent... I guess? replacing JD with Kait as the main character was a right move since JD was a bit unconvicing or just dull most of the time in the previous game and here he is at least tolerable now as a secondary character, the story beats are good and this one manages to connect well with the original trilogy. the dialogue can be a bit lacking sometimes or just downright bad but I can live with that since most of the games in the franchise are like that, the final-boss battle is once again disappointing like usual.


really good and smooth gunplay, visuals are impressive although optimization and textures are a bit lame, and the animations are nice.

the open-world is just an backdrop for the game since most of the time you will be inside interiors killing enemies and drive around it but yeah there is not much to do there is more like a "Hub" than anything else.

the "story" and characters are just plain boring, nothing really memorable there.

play Rage for the gameplay and you will have a very good time.

phenomenal gunplay, graphics(particularly the visual effects/lightning and physics) and good atmosphere.

the narrative is a bit lacking if you not interact with the laptops spread throughout the levels which serves as back-story to the game

pretty solid Gamepass title, from the creators of Guacamelee two great Metroidvanias Drinkbox has done it again into their unique Action RPG approach with a fun Form system and especially the ability to mix abilities of your previous forms in one unique form and that it's enough to engage the player

the presentation is also very good with an great and expressive cartoon art-style and catchy music, very solid content and funny sense of humor

the game can be repetitve after a while especially considering that the Combat itself it's nothing special and relatively straight-forward and the very simple dungeon and Overworld design but even with those grips the game is a ton of fun nonetheless.

Superb writing and voice-acting courtesy of Black being in the cast + Schafer's writing style, decent combat and great presentation.

The open-world design and the change in direction later in the game with RTS gameplay mechanics being introduced greatly damages the whole experience to a degree that will just annoy the player until the finale.

Aged like wine, the gameplay and shooting are still satisfying not to mention the upgrade system and overall presentation.

There are some issues related to the gameplay like moving Leon can be a bit clumbersome, looking out for Ashley and not being able to move while aiming or reload at free will.

The narrative and characters stand out a lot in part thanks to the voice acting.

The PC port in the other hand is abysmal, frame-rate issues, lame textures and missing effects from the original version. Thankfully the fan-remaster called HD Project is a masterpiece and completely does justice to the game, RE4 Tweaks is also a must if you want to restore some features to the game and increase the Camera FOV.

great action/adventure game and an much needed Reboot after Core Design's games and weaker ones by Crystal Dynamic.

the gameplay takes inspiration on the Uncharted titles with a lot of emphasis on combat, narrative and some sort of puzzles, unfortunely you don't come across much of actual good puzzles during the main story but you can find some of them on optional Tombs. I know this is something that the sequels improved substantially though.

the progression is satisfying, upgrading weapons and the main character feels tight and the developers managed to blend well the progression during the gameplay something that Far Cry 3 for example did a lot right.

the combat is serviciable, weapons feel nice especially when upgrading them and the enemies are very smart taking cover and even giving warnings to each other for example though the game is not much difficult either.

the platforming elements could be better since they turn to be a lot repetitive halfway in the game just like Uncharted and it just turns to be unecessary than anything else.

the presentation is great, though being a 2013 game it still features good textures, lightning and animations.

the narrative gets the job done despite some poor characters and writing but the mystery, voice-acting and pacing make it worth it the 8 hour long story.

aged very well on a gameplay, level-design and atmosphere department, the level-design specifically reminds so much of an Resident Evil game with an "interconnected" map you need to open during the game and I think the backtracking is done a lot better here than in the next few games such as 3 or 4.

the gameplay is very smooth, DMC1's combat is obvisiouly inferior especially after DMC3's overhaul on combat but here we have great sound-design and animations for feedback, good enemies to fight with and an decent variey of moves to pull off.

the presentation is amazing, the art-style holds up very well and the world-building is very unique to this game. the music is also very good especially the combat ones.

the camera and boss-battles might be the weakest aspects of this game, the boss-battles specifically are either frustating such as Nightmare near the end of the game or simply just forgettable or bland.

the story is decent although not much of a story happens until you reach the end of the game, the voice-acting is extremely bad something that was common on Capcom's games on that time.

very cool survival horror/adventure classic.

the gameplay is rather simple yet very engaging, the protagonist have three meters that the player can manage, the first one is Daniel's Health, the second is Sanity, and the last one is your Lamp's oil that you can turn it on in order to see in darker places by far your most needed tool to get through the game.

the game features this Sanity mechanic which you need to take a look on it sometimes, Daniel's sanity can lower if you are in dark for too long, witness disturbing events or just by looking in the direction of the Monsters that lurks in the Castle. if the Sanity meter is too low Daniel will start to see hallucinations or just straight up creppy sounds around him not to mention Cockroaches running across the screen during a withdrawl of Sanity. the only way the player can restore Sanity is by progressing through the level and solving puzzles or picking it up an Key item you need to solve something during the level, once the player meet these conditions the screen will quickly turn blue and Daniel's Sanity will be restored to a limit.

another aspect on Amnesia's gameplay is the physics interaction, the player can pick up nearly every object in the game and he can throw them or just examine around in order to find hidden items. another interesting thing about this is the Doors, closets or wardrobres which the player can also interact in a very cool manner by using the Mouse to push them in order to find items or just hide of nearby Monsters. the same goes to puzzle items such as Valves or levers that the player can also interact in a very satisfying manner.

speaking about the Puzzles although they are very creative and interesting unfortunely the game features an very cryptic progression throughout especially near the end of the game where you need to pick up a LOT of items and backtrack quite often.

presentation-wise Amnesia holds up very well even for a 2010 game, the atmosphere is top notch, the sound-design is also very cool and the overall ambience and world-building on Brennenburg Castle is amazing.

speaking about the story it is very interesting, the game features aspects with Cosmic Horror themes with an alien artifact involved during the main story and an supernatural being infesting the Castle, the narrative is mainly presented by notes or memories that present back-story to the player without offering too much exposition. unfortunely the game ends in a very abrupt way with a "boss-fight" that is easily solved and not much of a threat anyways.

overall I really enjoyed my time with Amnesia, looking forward to the sequels and Frictional's other works!

still a great fun even 21 years later, the gunplay feels great and the overall brilliance of the Bullet-time mechanic combined to the Shootdodge create some fantastic action movie set-pieces as desired by Remedy.

the storytelling, writing and voice-acting remain solid too, Sam Lake's style stands out most of the time with the Thriller he wanted.

enemy-placements are very off sometimes especially in later levels, the game is very difficult too be prepared to quick-save a LOT.

the Nightmare and platforming sections are probably the most annoying aspects of Max Payne, totally out of place and confusing, at least there is only 2 sections like that in the whole game.