i liked playing with my girlfriend

this plays like shit generally

the dash is really really bad, Model A's weapons are not good, A Trans as a mechanic is a neat idea but at the end of the day it just feels lazy and i would never use it over just base Model A is Model A, like, played well, and it tries to be more like linear and metroidvania-esque except it kinda sucks at that too so it just fails at everything it wants to do, which sucks cus there are some cool ideas here its just held back by too much basic failures that it never works well

earthbound fans b like yooo look at this _____

Not entirely opposed to finishing this game at a later time and I might just chip away at it here and there but for the time being I'm kind of in two minds about it and somewhat lost interest when I got to the arm puzzles, those gimmicks feel completely unnecessary and the game is riddled with them and at this moment I can't really bring myself to continue

if it gets an english version ill actually play more but im not a big fan of vocaloid and i cant speak if the story is good as i dont speak moonrunes

computer science degree is required for thid one

an improvement to 1 in multiple ways but held back by multiple aspects such as the execution in some chapters, the bad tutorials and the gacha element which ends up making a less than desirable sequel to some

me and my friends would have killed yuji himukai ringo with hammers i can tell you that much

The art of a single powerful sentence that can shatter even the most eloquently crafted prose.