9 reviews liked by AshitaNoJonas

Ich weiß bis heute nicht, wer hier die Zielgruppe bitte sein soll. Doom Fans werden es hassen, da es bis auf wenige Anspielungen, Gegner und Items, so rein gar nichts mit Doom am Hut hat.

Als Fan von Horrorgames, bietet Doom 3 nichts besonderes, außer: "Gegner spawnt hinter dir, Gegner spawnt hinter dir, zu lauter Sound weil das Audiomixing scheiße ist, Gegner spawnt wieder hinter dir". Die seltenen Lichtblicke, wo mit Events versucht wird, eine gruselige Stimmung zu sorgen, kannst du mit einer Hand abzählen und treffen dank schlampiger Ausführung nie den Nerv, den sie eigentlich treffen sollten.

Als Fan von Shootern bist du ebenfalls hier voll Fehl am Platz, da die Waffen keinerlei Gewicht haben, kein gutes Waffengefühl (Fick diese Maschinegun) und kein Gegner eine besondere Herausforderung ist, zu viel aushalten und durch schnelles Laufen, schnell outplayen lassen. Der Kampf in Doom 3 ist ein Witz und zu keiner Sekunde habe ich das Gefühl, in ernsthafter Gefahr zu sein, oder ein Machtgefühl zu bekommen, wenn ich denn gutspielen sollte.

Die wenigen positiven Momente sind hierbei der coole, leicht taktische Einsatz der Taschenlampe, welcher den Spieler die permamente Frage stellt, was sehen zu wollen, um Übersicht zu behalten, oder die Waffe am Mann zu haben, aber das Risiko einzugehen, nichts sehen zu können. Sehr gut, weil die verkackte BFG Edition, das einzige coole Feature für den Kampf entfernte und die Taschenlampe dort ein Gadget ist, welches man mit einem Tastendruck aktiviert, statt eine Waffe zu sein. Bethesda, ihr habt es wirklich verstanden.

Der andere Lichtblick aus diesem Spiel, ist ironischerweise ein ganzes Level, in welchen man zum ersten Mal die Hölle betritt. Dort ist der Ausdauerbalken deaktiviert und du als Spieler bist permanet mit Affenzahn-Tempo unterwegs, tötest einen Dämon nach den anderen, sammelst deine Waffen wieder auf, oder killst mit den Beserk-Item, alle Gegner per Faust. Unironisch: Dieses eine Level, ist mehr Doom, als Doom 3 und es lässt mich erneut hinterfragen, für wen denn nun dieses Spiel hier sein soll.

Stand dieser Review bin ich ebenfalls dabei, dass Addon zu spielen, aber der Ersteindruck dazu, ist nur minimal besser, als das Hauptspiel hier. Doom 3 habe ich ungelogen 5 mal auf verschiedenen Systemen, über Jahre hinweg, neuanfangen müssen, bis ich es endlich in seiner Ursprünglichen Version, für den PC, beenden konnte.

Hat es sich am Ende gelohnt?: Nö

Yu-Gi-Oh's early games are interesting to go back to because, unlike basically every other card game I can think of (even ones that went through major publisher changes like WoWTCG's transition to Cryptozoic or the Pokemon TCG away from WOTC), there was a period of time where the rules of the game didn't really exist. The first Yugi major was played through Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters for the Gameboy, for example. What we know as Yugi wouldn't solidify until Konami's OCG ruleset in 2002, which would be exported around the world (banlist changes aside). As a historical artifact of a card game property without a card game (no, the Bandai version doesn't count), this is a really cool video game to have access to, especially stateside.

This game still sucks to play through, though. I wish it didn't. Even as a condensed version of the card game, with the core rules the game has, I think there's some fun to be had with contact fusions and deck building. If you enjoy breaking out the SMT fusion chart, this is the card game for you. The balance of the game is horrendous, with decks and board states that cheat and that the player cannot consistently overcome, even with proper deckbuilding. You're going to lose a lot, and being a PS1 game, getting into another match takes an unreasonable amount of time. I would have rather the game been way too easy, but let the target audience for this game play around in a sandbox full of cards and effects that would only apply to this weird, at the time 3 year old import title than have the game in its current state. It's not like the game can be beaten in an afternoon as is! There's a good amount of fights and over 700 cards to choose from.

If you want to give this a go, there is an active modding scene with tweaks to the gameplay on either end. As a stand alone title, it's hard to recommend playing through the entire thing.



Literally a reskin of the most notorously terrible arcade port of all time.

I would play the shit out of this game if it had rollback

Fun with friends. I just dont like lying to friends games okay? You really get worried when you can't tell your friend is lying. What more are they hiding from you?

Typed "SEX" for my leaderboard initials and it got changed to "PEE"

honourbound to leave it at played instead of completed, but i've played enough to call. knowing me, i will 1CC all the tracks one of these days, but i do think getting to that point is more difficult than power drift, hang-on, and outrun, respectively. despite its uncompromising difficulty and reliance on route memorization, super hang-on is yet another point of evidence in favour of yu suzuki being the archduke of arcades, a true romantic in every sense of the word. suzuki and co. have a singular, striking vision of what games should be - tires should be wailing on the tarmac, all games should be expansive journeys, bright and bold skies should be your voiceless narrator. more committed to individualist and insular mastery than outrun's chill vibes - a game that recognizes giacomo agostini and dale earnhardt were the last samurai. debatably a better soundtrack than outrun as well, just a totally impressive package from top to bottom. master the roads contours, treat every passing corner as a duel, and hang on for dear life

got DAMN this game is just fucking BORING bro all you do is just random ass missions like "go beat up 30 wolves in the time limit" for the WHOLE FUCKING GAME this game is fucking DECREPID 2/10

A very impressive port. While the visuals are stripped back it still plays at a smooth 60fps (or 30fps if you turn on the 3D effect) and includes everything from the home console version plus a kinda rubbish StreetPass battle mode. I spent a lot of time on a bus with Fight Request turned on optimistically.

Shame it didn't get an Arcade Edition/Ultra update because Dan wasn't quite as effective in Super.

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