Something so warm and fuzzy about playing this one, easily my favorite run-based game.

Had quite a bit of fun until I finished exploring and the game really tried to get me to spend more money, just fundamentally become a different (and worse) game. The story is incredibly hit or miss with some super questionable clothing choices.

Anyone who looks at my games played will notice I like niche stuff made by aeutors and boy howdy, this is the best of the best. Like any of those games you need to be down for 'one of those' but this game did something no other like it had, it completely enraptured me and then ended in such a way where I felt like it was definitively over and I felt no need to come back. No stringing me along with the promise of unending content or microtransactions, it said what it wanted to say and definitively gave you a point to stop.

What could have been a neat story about struggling to throw off the chains of colonial power is swept to the side for a royal manchild's quest to fit as much scenery as possible into his mouth. plenty of likeable characters but some just bizarre story decisions.

Delightful game with that patented Earthbound 'Looming Darkness' ready to pop out at all times. The music hits that exact mix of quirky and and catchy that you want in this genre. F R E S H

its good, you dont need me to tell you that, there are no more interesting things to say about this one.

it's really neat but I feel like I can't really pass judgement on this one until we get more, that'd be like giving an impression of Undertale right after you finish Snowden.

( I am only judging this on story as I played through this long after it was relevant content) A very safe traditional fantasy story that shines with likable characters and excellent music. Manages to avoid my most constant frustration with FF14's writing, which is threatening to do something interesting but then deciding not to. Mind you, it does this by never taking any big swings, but a simple story told well is fine thing in my book.

Looking back at this it is shocking how starkly different I feel about these characters now vs. then. Half the cast was insufferable and the other bland with a meandering story. It is a testament to the improving writing of the expansions that I genuinely like all the Scions but woof it takes a bit to get there.

Really fun and addictive play that keeps having me play one more day when I know I should be doing something else. Writing is fairly weak with the occasional stand-out scene, but it is overshadowed by the fun though unrealistic fantasy of being productive ever.