I'm somewhat of a veteran, came around 2016-2017

Fun with friends, fun sometimes in solo. As long as you're level-headed, this is a good """tactical""" "strategy" game.

Really wish they kept with the semi-realism instead of going sci-fi.

Unoptimized but it is 2024. Uses a possibly invasive anti-cheat.

Fun, it really is! Community's a bit mixed but generally positive like Deep Rock Galactic

Played in one sitting, 8 hours
Only played through the entire story and a bit of 21. There's one thing in 21 that is an absolute time waster of a gimmick that I can only recommend to play the Roblox equivalent of this gamemode coincidentally called Twenty One.

Generally, it's good. Quality, runs pretty well even on what you'd call.. 2013 hardware?
Story's alright, never been a lore nerd so it wasn't a high priority. Would entice someone else though.

A much bigger tone shift than the first but expands on pretty much everything else

obviously flawed and unoptimized on pc but wow. playing this first time on the ps was magical especially with invasions. still as good as i remember

In 2077 - what makes someone a criminal?

Mr Coat Hanger Flimso's creation should've been given more time

Good soundtrack and good flow!

I remember when this game had an itch.io release. Nostalgia warped my vision.

Replayable, fun with friends, NOT fun online


Cried over ending
Dialogue dragged it out though

Yakuza 0 is a VERY serious game about VERY serious Yakuza People Yakuzing