This game kicks so much ass its crazy

This game is interesting. I really do love it. But its combat is absolutely the worst in the series other than the og 2. I'm very conflicted

You smell that? Peak gaming is back on the menu.

I am of two minds. One hates this game. One loves this game. I have decided for perfect equal. I cannot say I like it more than I hate it for vice versa. Perfect Balance.

This game is beautiful. Like wow. The story is mid but makes up for it in SPADES with absolutely stunning gameplay and stunning visuals.

Not my kinda game. I'm gonna be real. Also the ending is a fucking dumpster fire.

This games story does NOT get the love it deserves. It is a fucking blast every few years when I get the urge to replay the story and EVERY time it is a blast to replay and go through all over again.

I am praying to the almighty that this game continues to be as good as it has been so far.

Liking this game should get you fucking shot. Genuine fucking dumpster fire of a game. I gave up playing it 80 hours in with only a few hours left of the game because I was mentally broken and defeated by this game. I really tried to like it. This game broke me.

Smells like PEAK CINEMA to me.


I will remember to play you and not forget everytime funny gay man game.

Oh I'm saying it. In fact, I INSIST. This game fucks so hard. Don't listen to people saying otherwise. Is it beyond weird? Its Kojima not even a question. Is it perfect? No way. But, its fucking amazing and deserves a playthrough atleast once.

Fuck this game with every fiber of my being. Jingu can suck my whole penis and my removed foreskin.