One of the greatest what if stories in gaming. If only the developers weren't put under crunch to finish this game so quick. God, what a game this could've been. I mourn that everytime i remember this game. Still absolutely worth playing.

this game kinda sucks. I cant really lie. Really neat ideas but its kinda just ass.

Genuinely a movie. This game could remove Desmond entirely (even though his parts aren't even that bad) and make it totally a revenge story about Ezio. Ezio invented fucking. This guy is just the rule of cool in every scene. Also the combat and music slap so hard. Also italy or still beautiful.

Oh I'm saying it. In fact, I INSIST. This game fucks so hard. Don't listen to people saying otherwise. Is it beyond weird? Its Kojima not even a question. Is it perfect? No way. But, its fucking amazing and deserves a playthrough atleast once.

This game is fucking terrible. I love it so much.

This game is so damn cozy. That sounds weird but its just, so cozy. I get sleepy playing this game. A nice kind of sleepy which really chills me out. Wonderful game.

The second game was what should have been a one in a lifetime moment. A monumental achievement in gaming history that would take decades to replicate. Mass Effect took a few years and did it again. They took everything again that made 2 great and made it GREATER. This is the finale of the trilogy (and at the time of reading, the shepard story). But they took all that and ramped the emotional moments up to a 10. This game will make you think, it will make you question, and you will discuss it over and over, the ethics, the dilemmas, and how they closely relate to our real world. Thank you for this game and this series. It changed my life.

"I'm afraid I cant do that John." (John rushing at Dutch at mach 7 on foot to pistol whip him). Seriously though, why the living fuck does John run like he's got unpaid child support to pay.

Kinda borders on mid tbh. Its a shame its just a retexture of the Yakuza 0 engine all over again when the Dragon Engine is so perfect.

Liking this game should get you fucking shot. Genuine fucking dumpster fire of a game. I gave up playing it 80 hours in with only a few hours left of the game because I was mentally broken and defeated by this game. I really tried to like it. This game broke me.

You remember the Daddy O Five YouTube channel years back? This is them now. Feel old?

Yeah I said it. This game is the best of the 3. Not even a question, the absolutely amazing vibes of being one of the ICONIC Big Daddies you see across the first game and allowing this game to humanize them as these tragic characters immediately made me feel so bad for murdering any in the first game. The story really does hit the right notes expertly.