You remember the Daddy O Five YouTube channel years back? This is them now. Feel old?

This game is fucking terrible. I love it so much.

Now don't get me wrong, the game is terrible. But its like, the REALLY FUN kind of terrible.

This game has a PHD in fucking.

So far its been REALLY REALLY interesting. A whole new take on the Yakuza series and its really satisfying to play.

Kinda borders on mid tbh. Its a shame its just a retexture of the Yakuza 0 engine all over again when the Dragon Engine is so perfect.

Absolutely wonderful so far.

Beautiful at times, absolutely fucking bizarre at others. Genuinely can't make heads or tails on what the fuck this game is. I love it tho.

This game made me fucking winded. This game is SO BLOATED. Look I love yakuza just like everyone else. And I always thought they would keep it coming and I would keep stuffing, but this game is like 3 double layered chocolate cakes on the same plate and calling it one cake. Its fucking ridiculous.