I played this after all the updates got added

bugs, bugs everywhere


Favorite Roguelite I've eve played. I'm pretty sure I've only played like, 2 or 3 of them though, so. like. . .
Also very fun to play if you know stuff about greek mythology/classics (and then compare notes to someone who doesn't)

It's undertale, its good. I played it shortly after it came out and enjoyed it. I don't think I've played a lot of classic RPGs if any, which I think Undertale works as a trope subversion too, regardless of that I think the story is phenomenal.

It's minecraft. Better with dragon mods and friends

great game, didn't expect to play it cause I didn't have a ps4 for a long time.

I will finish this game eventually. I ended up getting into the game more than I thought i would, since I Initially was put off by the lack of weapon freedom (dark souls etc). Fun if challenging game.

I pray never to play this game again. It was alright, and I had fun playing with bots I guess, but competitive games aren't really for me

I had fun with skyrim when I played it. I had more fun playing it a second time with some mods including that replaced some of the music with JoJo music.

I wanted to try playing morrowind, but I died to a netch or bandit as soon as I stepped off the boat. maybe I'll give this another try if I get bored enough again

I really wanted to like the game, but I'm not super fond of constant gear upgrade games unless I'm getting something else out of that game (like a co-op experience).

I had a lot of fun playing through endgame content with groups of strangers, and later a discord of players. Story was good, music was great, characters charming. Gameplay was pretty interactive compared to a lot of mobile games imo. RIP

I liked the characters introduced by it more than the story that was told I think??? The gameplay was pretty good.

I liked this a lot and the characters introduced were pretty charming.

When I have a Wii again, I will pick it up. I got about 1/3rd of the way through or so, maybe a little less than 1/2. Beginning can be rough but the story is pretty good.

I liked the freedom of having both armies available, and some of the character interactions. Story is whatever but like. . . it's fire emblem fates.