Love-de-Likes (or "Games Where You Help Funny Characters in an Open Area")

Adventure games with a small but eclectic cast of characters that you get to know overtime and help with their problems while exploring a world that slowly opens up to you. Named after Love-de-Lic, the developers of a game called "Moon: Remix RPG Adventure". Many of the games here were at least partially developed by people who used to work at Love-de-Lic.

Made by Love-de-Lic alumni (Skip Ltd.)
Made by Love-de-Lic
Made by Love-de-Lic alumni (Punchline)
Made by Love-de-Lic alumni (Yoshiro Kimura)
Made by Love-de-Lic alumni (Onion Games)
Made by Love-de-Lic alumni (Skip Ltd.)
Made by Love-de-Lic alumni (Skip Ltd.)
Made by Love-de-Lic alumni (Vanpool)
Made by Love-de-Lic alumni (Skip Ltd.)
Made by Love-de-Lic
Made by Love-de-Lic alumni
Made by Love-de-Lic alumni (Skip Ltd.)


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