It's a really solid game, story is good, music is good but my favorite aspect of the game is the combat, it's stellar and the bosses are dope.
I wish you got the customizable style sooner cause it's a lot of fun.

The business was addicting, what a game this was.

This game had everything, I'll never forget driving in the countryside with the radio playing country songs just after having been a gang member and then you have to go in the desert and infiltrate Area 51.

This game got a terrible Italian dub which probably didn't help but i never liked the game itself either

Angry man is angry and epic bosses are epic


It was alright, not bad but it didn't leave me anything.

Not as good or as memorable as the first but it wasn't the age of bad Call of Duty games yet.

I have played this game and it wasn't bad but... I wish i got regular WaW instead...

It's barely a game but goddamn is it cool. I love the vibe it has.

This game was so much fun to play with my brother.