I thought this game was about pirates i wanted to be a pirate

the aiming in this game is what it feels like to play counter strike

takes the boy-button combat from the original and builds upon it by introducing fresh innovations like boy-mode and boy-style

best game of all time and then bethesda bought it out and made mid theyre on the top of my shitlist with ea after they bought popcap

first and only game to make a silent protagonist somehow be well written because glados would say the most fucked up shit to Chell's face and she would react in no way whatsoever which automatically makers her stronger than like 99.9% of characters in any media ever

Its cool to live a fantasy where I can do crime and tank 15 bullets without dying because in reality I've only stole something once on accident and I went back in paid for it and I hit my shin on a table earlier and cried

I heard someone humming in public and I jumped inside a dumpster for cover

This game is so good I'm willing to excuse Vic not having a portrait in the vanilla game


If I was on Talos 1, it would not have went down like it did

Running this game turned my PC into the sun station

Cant get 5 stars because it stole game of the year from Ragnarok and I need to do my part resisting the from soft cabal

sometimes I drop food on the sidewalk for the ants to try to pick up and i make the noises the pikmin make when they carry something I bet they get so embarrased

if the zombies just came over the fence from the house next door I would be so fucked because my neighbors already claimed that chunk I can't put plants there

in a couple years everyone who's been vaping with the flavor pods are gonna be just like those mutants

I wish I played this game in offline mode none of you guys are funny