What a game, just so much to do and so fun. Geralt is one of my favorite video game characters after playing this and he barely says sh*t lol

It was cool to play, I barely remember playing 3 and I barely started New Vegas before abandoning that. Typical Bethesda RPG formula

Never played a game like this before, and I’m glad I played it. Loved the narration, investigations, and rpg elements. Definitely a unique game everyone should try

Game is amazing, from story, to gameplay, post game, etc. I was okay with the Atreus gameplay just wish it didn’t happen as often. Like Spiderman, taking away from the protagonist slows the game down. Still goated tho!

I like the transition they were able to do from a beat em up to a JRPG. Other than that it was a typical, fun to play Yakuza game

I love narrative games like this, but only for 1 playthrough. I wish there was a fast forward button for dialogue after completing the game once or something. Going for platinum was mind-numbing after a while

I played with the goal in mind of just trying to platinum and mow through the game with an OP build. Wish I didn’t and took my time to enjoy the exploration. It was still really fun, but I should’ve took my time to maximize it.

Nice intro to Miles Morales and his story for the Marvel’s Spiderman storyline.

Game is damn near perfection. Only thing I didn’t like was the frame rate at times, and the story is forgettable to me but that’s just being picky. I didn’t play BOTW and TOTK for the story, the goal was to get lost, and get lost I did

Great sequel that improved on the first game. Slick combat, made the gadgets easier to use and more
accessible. Even made the stealth missions more bearable. Plenty of things to do after the main story is completed as well. One of the best games of the year