I enjoyed it overall. I found the voice acting to be a bit off, everyone besides maybe the dad sounded like they weren't professionals in a way. I also found the art style, particularly for the characters, to be quite repulsive and it took me out of the game a lot. It's a fun gimmick but when it's only a 2 hour experience about the typical sick child storyline, nothing seems crazy groundbreaking. It's using some really cool tech but only scratching the surface of what's possible with it from a storytelling perspective. Also super buggy on Mac.

I've waited and waited to experience this story, and finally, I have done it. It fully lived up to any kind of expectation I had in my head, and playing it with these enhanced graphics was an amazing experience. While the port isn't fantastic, I only crashed once and the only real issue is this is the first game I've had to play on medium graphics instead of ultra.

The story told through the cut scenes is absolutely fantastic. One of the greatest morally grey-painted tales I've ever experienced. I grew so attached to these characters that I'm honestly scared to play Part Two knowing the smallest spoilers.

I loved how they set up the world-building of this game. The mini stories you uncover throughout the exploration of the locations such as the sewer people and the helicopter crew in the DLC are such engaging narratives, and they're only told through context and pages. Those aspects made the game feel more alive and made exploring a fun part of the experience I was always ensuring I completed. Without these little breaks of lore, I don't think the sneaking/shooting gameplay would have been nearly as engaging for me.

The story took so many unexpected turns I never really knew what was going to happen next. I say this a lot in these reviews, but one of the best gaming experiences I've had. This is the first video game since Undertale like 5 years ago to make me cry, and the number of times I had to stand up from my desk to take in the gut-wrenching scene I had just witnessed was plentiful. I loved every second of it, just wish it was longer.

This game is really really good. It's so close to 5 stars for me, but just falls a little short because, well, it's too short. I appreciated the gameplay even if the style isn't my cup of tea. I found the decision story elements much more intriguing and loved the strange narrative it was setting up. The ending is such a WTF moment, when I saw the credits I thought "There has to be some kind of postgame story." Nope. I wouldn't call the game unfinished, but for the main content, it only took me 4 hours. And I think those 4 hours were just scratching the surface.

Not the masterpiece is was expecting or hoping for. Calling this a Metroidvania is a bit misleading as its Metroid aspects are incredibly light. I don’t want to play the same game over and over for hours and hours. So, I beat The Hand and called it quits. Unlike Hades, this game didn’t grip me with the rogue lite format and I found it sort of painful to get through. I appreciate the work that went in, but it’s not fully for me. I enjoyed what I played, and am satisfied with only doing the "tutorial" as some call it.

I was gifted this game. Going in I knew I wouldn't like it. It's just not my kind of thing. And yep, it wasn't. What's the point of playing something this slow when games like Red Dead or Uncharted exist? Just doesn't click for me. Maybe I don't have the attention span.

This review contains spoilers

One of the greatest gaming experiences I've had. The story of mostly the main game but also the DLC was so good. I had absolutely no idea Sam was lying. Having a game show you a fake cutscene to lie to the player is absolutely genius. Moments like that blew my mind.

The gameplay is on a completely different level of polish. Every element, yes even the climbing, feels absolutely perfect. Who ever thought of having jeep platforming? Genius.

And the set pieces. Oh my god the setpieces. So many amazing missions in this game it's unbelievable. I wasn't totally sold on the DLC until that last mission with the train that got me whooping and hollering. Never have I went "woaahh!" so many times when playing something. One of my new favorite games ever.

What a magical experience. I believe that after this entry, this series deserves to be up there with Mario, Zelda, and the like. Nintendo has perfected the Pikmin experience existing as a genre-bending one-of-a-kind type of game that, unlike Metroid, has very few games that have been made in its image.

I played 35 hours of this game and keeping in mind it’s a linear story game, it’s an insane amount of content that is only rivaled by BOTW and TOTK in terms of first-party Nintendo games I’ve played. An overall masterpiece that was a joy to play every second. This series needs more entries, and I eagerly await the reveal of Pikmin 5 which will hopefully take less than 10 years this time.

My only complaints are one, the bosses aren’t amazing. This seems unpopular but I prefer the cinematic bosses of Pikmin 3. There’s one boss in this game like that at the end and it’s such a good fight, makes me yearn for more. And my second complaint is the reliance on Dandori challenges. They make me stressed and I don’t really enjoy them. At least not as much as the base game. It’s a fun distraction that I wish wasn’t as prevalent.

Also, Oatchi NEEDS to be in the next Smash!

I think this game changed me as a person. I feel I look at art, storytelling, and existential dread differently solely because I had this amazing experience. Probably the best piece of media I've ever consumed.

2% away from fully compelting it. The game is the absolute peak of art direction. These people get what makes the Metroidvania genre so good.

I don't totally get starting with the best moment of the entire game, but that's really my only gripe. In my opinion, it's perfect. So many times I was on the edge of my seat because of the story. I cared less about the gameplay, but it was still good.

Never played any of the originals but man this game blew me away. There are some annoying bits that show the game's age in terms of game design, but still such an amazing experience and it's clear a ton of love went into this remaster. One of the best-looking games I've played on the Switch.

A fun experience with a lot of love. Nothing mind-blowing in terms of creative direction but still a good time.

The best gaming experience I've ever had. The highs and lows of the story are astounding. The way the characters evolve over the story is absolutely mind-blowing.

I've been waiting for a game like this for so long. I love 2D Mario, a lot of the time more than 3D Mario (sorry Marshy). This is everything I wanted out of a new entry, incredibly imaginative. My only gripe is the boring boss battles outside of the Bowser Castle fight.