No rating from me, I have no desire to get back into this game right now, but it's not being put off forever. I wasn't the biggest fan of BOTW, and while this changes some things, it still feels just as empty and after the excitement of new things wore off, I found myself hating the BOTW formula again

No idea when I will be back

Finally completed this games content (at least pre-DLC). Everyone who plays this follows the same path:
- Play a few runs, probably die in most, don't quite understand the appeal.
- Play again, finally finish your first run
- Unlock new stuff, and from there the brain worm sets in

I'll be back to play the DLC at a later date, fantastic game.

Far Cry 3 did a hell of a lot for the future for FPS', both good and bad, but on its own, it's not a good game. The story is interesting enough and Vaas is an incredible character but they try too hard to implement stealth that basically doesn't work (Ubisoft moment). The gunplay is mediocre, most cars drive like shit and the whole crafting system is flawed. The fact I have to find specific types of animals that don't show up on the map just to get a tiny bit more inventory space is backwards and very frustrating.

I've also had CONSTANT crashes.

I will give this game some props in the character department, as most of them are very interesting and stand out in their own way. Having played a bit of this game before, I think I was blinded by nostalgia thinking this game was going to be a lot better than I had imagined and that might have soured my experience, but sadly it just wasn't fun for me and I don't want to put any more time into a game I have stopped enjoying.

Shelving this for now, after getting the bad ending. Exceptional metroidvania with some slight annoyances. Will do a proper review once I have actually gone back and completed the game fully

If you didn't know, get to fucking know. This is the GOAT right here

I can't cap the framerate so I'm getting a glitch where most of the NPC's jump around, which means I can't progress past the first hour or two of the game. It's a shame as while this game isn't anything special, it's decently fun and MUCH improved on the first game.

Great music and visuals for a Game Boy game, but just play the NES version. This is passable but I much prefer that version.

This crossover should not work, but it does, and very well too. There’s not enough variety or any semblance of story for this to be anything exceptional, but it is decent and worth playing for the cheap price that it goes on sale for.

Phantom may be top 5 bosses in all of gaming for the cutscenes alone.

Hard to put into words how incredible this game is from start to finish. I had extremely high hopes going in and I was not disappointed in the slightest. I’m not able to put my thoughts here into some longwinded overly pretentious review, so I’ll say this.

If you have the means to play this on PS5, do it. If you have the money to get a PS5 and this game, you will not regret it.

Otherwise if Square can pull their finger out their arse and create an optimised PC port, wait for that and prepare yourself for one of the greatest games of all time.

The first good classic Castlevania game I’ve played, and one that is almost perfect if it wasn’t for the bad difficulty spike in the last few stages of the game. The game looks and sounds great, and rivals Super Metroid in terms of how good the atmosphere can be on the SNES.

The bastard sequel of the already poor Metal Gear. I guess now I know why this is never spoken about.

Undoubtedly the best mainline Mega Man game I’ve played so far. Visually beautiful, this game really pushes what the NES can display, and the music here is fantastic too. The level design is also very good apart from Crystal Man’s stage, and obviously as ever the Fortress levels are infuriating.

Finally a Mega Man I can say I almost thoroughly enjoyed, and not because I got carried by the Metal Blade.

For a Game Boy game the music here is exceptional. But outside of the first castle level I played, while it is better than the first GB Castlevania game, the enemy placements are as frustrating as ever with these old style Castlevanias.

What if Konami made Mega Man and made it an actual good game

I prefer Castlevania 2 to this one which I feel is an incredibly unpopular opinion, but this is definitely an improvement on the first game. This Japanese version specifically has great music but I’m not sure about the lower difficulty as it was still decently hard.

They did well with what they could on this system, I’m excited to see how the series progresses going forward.