absurdly overstuffed and riddled with balance problems, but by that same token it's an incredible value. sunk so many hours into this one when it came out.

the aesthetic is pretty bad, but the gameplay in this one is probably the peak of the series. the final mission is absurd but incredibly satisfying to pull off.

still crossing my fingers that one day the series makes a comeback.

beautiful timewaster of a game. played through the campaign on Wii U at a friend's place and had such a good time I bought the Switch version day one. there's something just so satisfying about mowing down row after row of enemies and learning which of your moves fits each situation. watch me making waves with ruto

man, I was so excited for this one after hyrule warriors, and then I just bounced completely off of it. part of it is the boring roster (boy did Nintendo bet on the wrong horse when it decided it would push Fates characters for this one), but something about the gameplay just didn't click with me at all. gonna give it a revisit eventually in the hopes it clicks.

the only zelda game i've ever finished besides ocarina of time

had absolutely no reason to go as hard as it did

the best part of this game is how it leans into completely absurd furry soap opera drama with its multiple routes thing. love the ending where star wolf saves the galaxy and fox gets so depressed that he and falco run away together to be f-zero racers

other than that it's pretty bad

i can't get over how the follow-up to apollo justice, a game entirely about showing the faults of the ace attorney world's legal systems and devoted to subverting or deconstructing the expectations players would have after playing through the original trilogy, spent its entire runtime yelling about "THE DARK AGE OF THE LAW" while manifesting that as the attorneys needing to talk about the power of friendship every episode

please let me play as the actual characters in battle

(as an aside I hacked richter back into my party and the game doesn't actually level him up throughout the story so he was just, absolutely trash at the end of the game)

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you ever hear a banjo in a forest grove and find yourself on the verge of tears

I really wish I loved this as much as all these 5-star reviews did, but despite having pretty much every storytelling trope I'm a sucker for it ultimately left me cold. It's ambitious in its art and its structure, but not many of the characters connected for me, which left me with a puzzle box about 50 layers deep leading to not much at all.

Spent most of February playing through the whole Hitman trilogy for the first time in this one and had a blast - this 4.5 star is for all three games as a whole. I can see how if you were following the games as they released the third game might have felt a bit thin, but as a single package I really liked its tweaks to the formula, and Berlin might be my favorite level in the series.

In general these were three wonderful stealth games with a great sense of tongue-in-cheek dark humor and beautiful level design. My one complaint is that for all the fancy explosives and guns you unlock over time, the game really really doesn't give much opportunity or incentive to ever "go loud", so I have about two dozen cool weapons I've never ever touched. A few more challenges focused on that aspect might have helped, since so much of the game's design is pushing for you to stick to silenced pistols, poisons, and lockpicks as your loadout.

After sinking so much time into Octopath, I was hoping to have the BD series click for me in the same way, but... nope. I just couldn't take its world, characters, or writing; it was all so dry and paint-by-numbers that I found myself struggling to push forward. When I realized I was only able to play maybe 60 minutes at a time without my thoughts drifting towards "maybe videogames are a waste of time", I had to shelve it.