Citadel DLC and the combat mechanics are this game's only saving grace

Okay, hear me out!
I like the turn-based mechanics of X-2 and the character designs.

Fun with friends, but competes with Paradox Games on being DLC hell

A poor man's Fatal Frame. There was some effort put in its development, but it still quite clunky and an odd experience in combat. Sometimes enemies are completely out of bounds, rendering the player unable to defend themselves from attacks.

A flawed attempt at following in Planescape;Torment's footsteps. Interesting characters, but falls short on delivery and progression. Contains a lot of bugs that may result in an unfinishable

I can't exactly put my finger on the exact reason why, but to me this game feels like a spiritual successor of Planescape;Torment that manages to make a respectable effort with what it wants to do.

I will never not hear "Little Peggy" in my head with anything but a heavy, greasy southern accent.

It it far from a perfect VN, but I absolutely love it for it's over-the-top cheesiness. Holds a place near my heart for the effort despite the flaws.


Aesthetically, I absolutely love this game - it's setting, artstyle and music is amazing and extremely comfy for my tastes.
However, as a game, it is very flawed - class balance is all over the place, developers have shifted their focus on other games for the most part and the community is slowly dying.


Mechanically identical to Amnesia in terms of gameplay and puzzles, but a little more interesting in terms of writing due to the philosophical topics it raises.


This is the bastardization of the Thief series and stealth games as a whole. Gameplay has been trivialized with lobotomized AI, the world's setting has been butchered by inexperienced writers and even the most iconic characters were not spared in this totally-not-a-remake.

I shall hate this game until the end of days

This is where the game series took a great dip for me in quality. The stealth mechanics were simplified and somehow felt vastly inferior when compared to the two first games.

Still an okay experience, but somehow flawed at the core

From what I've heard, this game is less liked than the first. I can't really tell why though.

I've yet to beat the game because it feels more challenging than the first game, but a friend of mine once gave a theory: "It's supposed to be harder because it's a sequel to the first in both story and gameplay, of course the starting point can't be on the same (difficulty) level as the first. It should only get more and more intense"

This game was my playground for years and formed my standard for TES series. Ironically, I haven't even played Oblivion or Skyrim so I can be safely labeled a prude with rose-tintent goggles.

The game is deceptively complex with its mechanics that it usually puts off new players. Not to mention how heavily it's made to go against the player. But once you get the hang of the ways the game keeps you down, you start dominating it.