This game is a fantastic showcase of what indie games are capable of. Amazing storytelling, artstyle, music and atmosphere which makes you feel attached to such a mysterious world despite not even knowing what the hell is going on half the time.

Some flaws may include that at times it feels directionless when exploring. In metroidvania fashion, the way out of an area is always in some little nook or cranny you forgot to explore 20 minutes ago. While it allows you to see more of the amazing environments, it can get frustrating.

Overall, a massive competitor to a large deal of even the best AAA games of our time, an amazing achievement.

An extremely well made MMO, which is surprising as it is essentially a 2013 game with increasing amounts of duct tape put over it.

I haven't kept up with it recently, but the power trip of absolutely slaughtering hordes of enemies with absurdly powerful characters never gets old. At a certain point the grind becomes a bit too much to handle.

pretty sure this is a money laundering scheme

This game is weird.

I started playing this game young. TOO young. I didn't understand most of the jokes and I thought the nudity was icky, but blowing things up was fun.

Fast forward nearly 10 years and I'm still playing it. The gameplay is infective. You can spend your time doing a countless amount of activities but even driving around, or flying is fun too. There's an amazing depth to its world. Whether its the NPC's which have the weirdest one-sided conversations on their phones or the advertisements which are just real brands with some kind of dick joke in there.

Sure, the story is a bit half-baked, its pacing is weird and it suffers from the usual rockstar problem of not knowing how to wrap up a story properly. And online, is known for its many, MANY problems and is essentially just a front now for buying shark cards.

This game holds a very special place in my heart, I will be very sad when it's left behind for its sequel.

Cried a bit at the story. I love it to pieces but suffers from the usual rockstar gameplay faults. A very well made game with some very obvious flaws.

Online is fun for a bit, but gets old after a while with the lack of content and abundance of hackers.

Fuck, what an amazing game.

In the same way you can't re-discover how to solve a jigsaw puzzle for the second time, you can't go back and re-discover the amazing world(s) of Outer Wilds and what makes it so special. You can only play it once.

A game where the only barrier to entry is your own curiosity. A beautiful experience.

Underdeveloped, doesn't play well, gimmicks are underwhelming. Removed Pokémon for the sake of improving the ones that they keep, but that was clearly not the case.

I didn't expect much, and it met my expectations.

some of my best memories are on this game, such a fun game and if it was released today would still be one of the best in the franchise and in the genre

may be the nostalgia talking, but probably the best game in the franchise. amazing story and multiplayer which will last you for ages.

A game that was pretty much crushed under its own hype. Promised much but wasn't able to deliver.


I will concede that it is a fairly well made game, but it has been one of the most miserable experiences of my life.

Its hard to review this game because it isnt much as a base, but is extremely fun when you get some mods going.

Some amazing memories were made here

Overwatch 2 is a sequel in name only. In reality it is an update to the original, so this review will focus on that.

Overwatch's universe is full of captivating concepts & characters, which blizzard uses to lure you in to a game which has its moments, but is generally full of despair.

A combination of bad balance choices, horrible monetisation and incomplete content has made it not very fun to play.

Gameplay loop is improved upon, but by & large it is essentially the same game with the same coat of paint. The same game which has grown stale and is generally frustrating to play.

"skill issue" "get good" i have a bomb in your mailbox

Amazing roguelike, fantastic sequel. It's fun and the soundtrack is the best soundtrack I've heard in a video game in its proggy-synthy-ness

While still relatively young, it is pretty safe to call this an indie classic. A fantastically told story with interesting characters, fun gameplay, a good heart and a good message. Not to mention the soundtrack, which has mostly been the blueprint for most indie games since.

(Just don't go on deviantart)