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I beat the game twice and the second time I did I skipped every single cutscene and dialogue and had way more fun, while this game is technically and by all reasons better than BOTW, it tries to have a way more ambitious story than the previous game.
by worldbuilding standards, like the evolution of the environments and the areas recently affected by the upheaval, it absolutely blows it out of the park, but by actual story standards? the best parts of it are the Dragon Tear cutscenes and everything that happened in the past, everything that happens during the PRESENT involving the Sages is extremely boring and tedious to sit through

I was tempted to give it 3.5 stars, but the actual gameplay is way too fun for me to rank it that low in my eyes

Secret Stones???? Demon King?!?!?!?!?

Absolutely beautiful game; visually, gameplay and story wise.
I was only able to get as far as 7C before falling off of the game/giving up, but it still left me feeling very happy with how far I had gotten and how much fun it gave me

This game is actually very hard to review, I of course am referring to the live service Battle Royale game mode, because during the whole entire 5 years I have played this game, it has changed drastically, and it's barely similar to what it even used to be, but what I can do is review everything that I have already played.
The game is usually very fun and lively, all the maps have felt very lived in, the story while messy, gives it a huge amount of value that no Ninja nor Peter Griffin skin can have, and is mostly the reason why I have played for so long. The game is constantly updated bi-weekly, which makes it so there are very few chances of getting bored if you get into the loop of it.

Of course the game is far from perfect no matter when you played it, but it's managed to make me love it with the smaller details that most people don't care about (excluding live events) and stay in my life for a fairly long time

It's hard for a Kirby game to be a miss, and FL is no exception, the game's aesthetic is so weird yet familiar(of course) the levels, minigames, postgame content, everything from it absolutely amazing, and it makes me very happy :)

One of my absolutely favorite games of all time, I've beaten it countless times, either by the secret exits, or by beating every level, no matter how I do it, it's extremely fun, and it's one of those games that I can't help but come back to every once in a while, the music has gotten stuck in my brain many times and whenever I play it it's a very good time

while I don't personally think it got even close to living up to S3&K, it is admittedly a very faithful and beautiful game poured with nothing but love.
Though weirdly enough, whenever I replay it, it doesn't feel as fun? sometimes it can feel like a slog, and I don't have this issue with S3&K, it's hard to explain but it definitely makes me love it just a little less

I don't think the original game can be beat, the next games in the series feel either too chaotic or don't give you enough control of your lawn.
the strategizing in this game is one of its peaks, and it's incredible how even nearing the end of the game, you can keep getting new plants that change your strategy drastically. while personally, night levels are worse than day levels, they bring some very unique scenarios, but the best part of the game HAS to be the pool levels, they bring variation to the normal lawn and are when I had the most fun.
when you beat the game, or even before that, you can play some fun minigames, though admittedly not all of them are equally fun or good, still, this was absolutely unnecessary and their existence only serve to make the game better

this game doesn't disappoint, although I still think that Octo Expansion is better than RoTM/Alterna, it's still incredibly fun to play through, and is better than all the other Hero Modes in the series. of course the music is banging as usual, but what really makes me stick with Splatoon so much is the story/lore, and it also did not disappoint in this regard, it only makes the story richer and adds so much context to end of humanity/era of the cephalopods

Can you tell I don't play much online

I know this is a way higher score than what the game realistically deserves, but the level design in this game is smart, and it's nothing but fun,
still, it doesn't change that it's the literal simplest form of Mario, but I stand by the fact that as a singleplayer game, it's better than 3D World, because this game focuses on only you, so the levels can be tighter and feel way better to play.

Super Mario 3D Land is a 4 star game, while it adds upon what 3D Land made, the fact it was made FOR multiplayer means it has to account for so many things that it ultimately makes the levels feel emptier and easier, having a way worse singleplayer experience than its predecessor
what this game ALSO has is Bowser's Fury, which somewhat builds on Mario Odyssey's design philosophy, while making it a super fun open-world experience, that definitely has to be revisited in some form, it's too good to not be used in a full-fledged Mario game

Yeah, it's FNAF, it's the cheap jumpscare spooky game, but this game really reinvented the idea of how horror games can even be done.
the game is extremely simple, but not to a fault, it's challenging, but not impossible, it's creepy, but not terrifying. it truly does deserve to sit at the top of it's genre and remain to be a famous franchise, despite of what you may think of the countless sequels it got.

Here's my absolutely favorite game of all time, I've beaten it more times than any other game out there, the story it manages to tell with how little it actually does is incredible, the gameplay of 2D Sonic is at its PEAK in this game, even the newer 2D games like Mania or Superstars don't come even CLOSE to this game, even at this game's lowest points, like Marble Garden or Sandopolis, I am having an absolute blast playing through the masterfully created acts, the music is some of the best videogame OST ever, every song manages to immerse you into the feel of the level while also making you bob your head.
It's actually mind boggling how incredibly fun this game is.

The game was originally fun, and the remake only improves it by adding great stuff, what more can I say? It might as well be the best Kirby experience on home consoles ever

It doesn't come nowhere close to being the best Kirby game like many people say, it's still absolutely a great time, everything the remake added is extremely fun to play, and everything from the original was originally great, sometimes it can feel slow though, with sections I wish I could skip on repeated playthroughs

I still cannot understand how some people think NSMBWII is better than this game, sure, the series had gotten stale by this point, but the game is better in most regards, the aesthetics of the world, while unoriginal, look beautiful. I'm still salty this game looks so fucking horrible in Mario Maker.

dashing through the levels should NOT be this fun