It's hard to put into words how good this game is, there's truly nothing like it

one of these days I'll make an ME drive

This game gives me carpal tunnel but it also gives me the immensely rewarding feeling of overcoming challenge after challenge

I'm going poser mode (I didn't play the originals)

To this day I cry when I talk about the true ending

me when the eyes are on the inside

Might be the best game I've ever read

Beautiful, sincere, poignant, thought-provoking, filled to the brim with eureka moments and emotional payoffs

It's great in concept but in execution and gameplay it can't quite live up to its potential. I'm glad Remedy got to fully realize their awesome, unique ideas in future games

Nice overall style, not my type of game though

I mean it's exactly what it is, for better or for worse it's an Obsidian FPS RPG

Lots of fun, sometimes you wanna just shoot big bugs with big guns. The dialogue carries this game so hard

Tons of QoL improvements over 4.1