ask me my top 3

everyone is doing these and i didn't made a propper list in like 2 months so here we go

broken english warning btw

Cruelty Squad
Cruelty Squad
Recently i got into this techno-hardcore metal trap music with that industrial feel and screeching sound and CS is totally my shit.
If you like this Soundtrack here is some songs i recommend/associate with this OST.
Minos Prime is a hell to unlock it, you have to play the first phase and complete every level with P rank, thing that i did on Violent difficulty, this secret boss tests all your abilities and resources of the game, because is going to beat your ass for 8 hours straight.
Mouth Sweet
Mouth Sweet
When i first played this on 2017 i had a really shitty phase atm and i related with the concept of Haas, plus, i really like when with all the horrors that Haas saw they just leave for not endure the situation anymore, it makes me curious that this is the only horror game that i played where the protagonist does this, making a more human and relatable character.

Honorary mention for Heather from Silent Hill 3 for similar reasons.
Distraint: Deluxe Edition
Distraint: Deluxe Edition
>tries to make a deep and psychological triller
>insert them in a lazy way
>generic suspense
>generic screamers

the OST is neat tho
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei IV
i can't finish SMT IV because my 3ds broke but every boss in this game is cool as fuck, i love the in middle battle conversations and the intimidating feel on every fight.

Battle C1, Battle C3 and Battle B1>>>>>>>>>>> Battle B2
Bakemonogatari Portable
Bakemonogatari Portable
And talking about other series, not so long i started with the Monogatari series and i really enjoyed Bakemonogatari and Nekomonogatari, i watched some playthroughs and the game is even on CDRomance but same case with Baroque Syndrome, the gameplay is purelly based on reading and compression of the Japanese alphabet.
No More Heroes
No More Heroes
top 3 protagonists
by MrPixelton
As any other zoomer that got on a Wii in the start of the 2010's, i had a phase where i turned all of my personality on Travis Touchdown.
Sakura Taisen 1 & 2
Sakura Taisen 1 & 2
There is already a traslation for the OG ST but i rather cut my hands than trying emulating Sega Saturn, literally the only reason that i dropped ST1 is because the only emulator that worked and ran fine crashed every 20 minutes and i had to quick save before crashed it, on other hand, this is atleast easilly emulated or even load it on my softmodded PSP.

Honorary mentions to Moonlight Syndrome and Tsukihime: APBGM since i didn't liked the original.
Another diablo clone that doesn't stand out from other clones and a repetitive game-loop, play TCK instead.
Yume Nikki
Yume Nikki
i love you madotsuki
Melty Blood Re-Act
Melty Blood Re-Act
I fucking love Raito's works but i didn't knew if i put UNIST or MBAACC but i decided i like more the midi sound that the older MB's had, i love MBAACC OST tho, some songs are re-arranged really well but this
hits different than this
Sin and Punishment
Sin and Punishment
top 3 game bosses
by oersted
S&P spoilers
holy shit
what the fuck
what the fuck holy shit it's that the Earth???????
Baroque Syndrome
Baroque Syndrome
top 3 untranslated games you want to play
by Ophelia
Not so long ago they released a Spanish patch for the original Baroque before the english one and i totally loved the game and lore, i really want to read the mangas and see this precuel wich seems to be a pretty cool VN.
Ridge Racer Type 4
Ridge Racer Type 4
and talking about OSTs
top 3 soundtraks
by Bruh_Moment_7

Shit hittin' hard everytime i listen to it
top 3 mid games
by Chap

The game itself is not bad but came out with the influence of SFII with 9 years of difference and no mechanics that make stand out with other FGs in the time.


2 years ago

top 3 mid games

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top 3 soundtracks

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Top 3 untranslated games you want to play

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Top 3 games that last 2 hours or less

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