18 reviews liked by CCCakeTea

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mehhhhh but yessss but.... I'm so incredibly mixed on this game.
I have a lot of positives, big positives, negatives, and big negatives that are all from the same criteria, so oh boy. For context; I've played P3 FES & Portable & watched the movies before this game.

Let's start with what I liked.
The new songs are BEAUTIFUL. Color Your Night went straight in my playlist, and the new Changing Seasons is such a feel-good upgrade. Sometimes I'd just stop playing and spin the protag in circle to the rhythm of the song. Possibly my favorite element of the game, since I love music so much.

Almost all of upgraded environments are gorgeous. The whole city is beautiful, the areas before the bosses were done with justice, and each were done in a way that makes them slightly more unique than FES did. I think this was in the color scheme or filters they put; but nonetheless each felt much more distinct and cool. (Let me forewarn that this upgrade doesn't apply to all of them though)

Tartarus is SO SO SO pretty now. The movement in the background of the tower shifting is genius and something that couldn't be done on older engines; I think it was such a good visual decision to add. The level with all the black and neon colors gave me a little headache so I worry about other players, but it was still really distinct and cool.

The pacing feels a little better in this game; I think it's cause there's more to go/do at nighttime now.

The UI... do I need to say anything on how perfect it is? My favorite bit. It's perfect, we already knew that; such a visual feast and a concise/ingenius layout that's simple for players to navigate. PERFECT.

One of my favorite openings in all of Persona- beat only by 2 or 3 others. Banger song btw, I don't need to go into depth how good this opening was. Go watch it yourself and you'll know.

Ok... Now let me talk about why this game is a mixed bag for me.
I was very limited on what I can see with full honesty was good; because in these same elements had some real kicks that worsened them.

For example, I'm of the people who LOVED the new music, but the remasters/remixes of a lot of songs... were definitely worse than the og. I'm sure a person more experienced in music can explain the differences but I'll summarize my thoughts Iwatodai Dorm theme is weird and slower. Mass Destruction is little off in tone with the new singer. Burn my Dread... dear lord is it one of the worse songs to come out of Persona. That was the most disappointing one. If it's your first experience with P3; you'll probably love the soundtrack nonetheless. However, if you've listened to these songs before you'll take notice in how they've been butchered in this remake.

I already did NOT like gameplay in Portable or FES; Tartarus was just: an enemy runs into you, somehow find their weakness, all out attack, repeat. And that's for EVERY single battle as you tower up.
So I was excited for Reload; I couldn't wait to see how they make Tartarus enjoyable. But they made it so... brainless. No matter the difficulty you choose; theurgys are SO overpowered, physical skills are BROKEN, and it's incredibly EASY to accidentally overgrind and boom; bosses are killed in seconds.
There's a theurgy that literally oneshots anything for the cost of all your sp & hp, but with Yukari's RIDICULOUSLY cheap healing and how EASY it is to get SP items, it's essentially a free xp grinder for the reaper. I got to level 96 after figuring this out and stopped because I realized the final boss was gonna be shit if I went to 99.
They also removed and worsened all the tactics in the original that made the game challenging and actually thematically immersive. The removed the tiredness system- which like, was a really good reoccurring reference to your final day and is not super challenging to get rid of. It's so easy to combat tiredness if you care for it, so I have no idea why they didn't just keep it. It also makes scenes like you randomly catching a cold from a typhoon make more sense than just a random time-event.
They WORSENED the AI to let party members act freely so much; it's useless and ACTIVELY PUNISHES THE PLAYER NOW. That was also one of my favorite bits of immersive storytelling; It's not like P5 where the characters are all united after joining the Thieves. These characters acting freely ESTABLISHES them as independent entities and their ongoing personal struggles. It made them more human and added to their characters, imo. I've seen people like it but most of them have not played the originals. So I don't know; I just don't like how they're using the P5 formula for their other games now.

I think the P5 formula is the biggest hinderance to this game. Whilst the upgraded graphics are beautiful; a LOT of the art and gameplay direction is missing the identity of the original.
The final battle was incredibly disappointing in both its difficulty and how it had the SAME visual elements as all the other bosses. Nyx in every other version has been darker; I don't even mind if they keep the damn green they love if they just made the fight more UNIQUE than every other boss.

I am a big storytelling lover, so this next bit has me tweaking. Except for the Aegis vs Ryoji cutscene (which is peak)... EVERY cutscene has been made worse. It's either:
1.) A 2D cutscene that is so stiff & lifeless; the characters have barely any expression, they can barely move, the original DIRECTION of these cutscenes has been stripped away for a rendition that is ineffective. The opening cutscene is the biggest culprit of this, but it's also in like the ship vacation scene. That new cutscene with them equipping their new outfits is laughably bad. The awkwardness of how slow the characters move with nothing but the music at a mismatch pace. It was a nothingburger of a cutscene that was placed for no reason in the story.
2.) 3D Model replacements of cutscenes. I. Hateee this. Genuinely don't know ANYONE who prefers 3D scenes over the 2D. Shinjiro's death is the biggest culprit of being done dirty by this, but I mean at least the characters are forced to show emotion and movement in 3D modeling so hey that's something. It just looks worse, strips away the simplicity from the original cutscenes that even make it meaningful. The final scene being in 3D also made me pretty ticked, but it wasn't awful or anything. The intent of every frame from the original ending is lost as soon as it's transferred for smooth animation. I've heard it's possibly an animation error, but Aigis being portrayed as human in the final scene made me bawl when I first played through.
The persona 3 Movies are a PERFECT example on how to do a rendition of these cutscenes, and yet Reload butchers them in every way possible.

Now, this game made me hate Atlas as a company. If you don't know anything about how this game released; oh boy.

First off, this is a pretty amazing game, but a terrible remake for many reasons. There are 2 other versions of Persona 3 that have different content in them, and when this was first announced as a Remake; everyone was excited for a DEFINITIVE version of the game. The Femc and social links from Portable; the gameplay systems & The Answer from FES; all these and more coupled with intent to make it as definitive as possible.

Guess what happened? The game is $70 coupled with nonsensically high DLC pricing. Every bit of content from Portable is nonexistent; there is no Femc in Ba Sing Se. The Answer, that was originally part of FES, is now being sold separately as DLC for $35 which makes this an over $100 game with less than half the content it should have had. The DLC package for the Answer is also ridiculous, because to justify the pricing and removal of it from the main game; they include SCRAPS to make it seem like more. They just put music from P4 and P5, and a costume set. That's it. For $35 of something that should've been in the base game. And so much of the content in Portable was an upgrade to the storytelling; the social links were brilliant, and Femc as a whole should've been there. But developers say there was not enough time. This is not the real reason, but that's another rabbit hole to go down. Do a search on people's thoughts if you're curious. If you want a Femc mod; people already have a REALLY good one that they are now just working on editing dialogue/voice lines from portable & adding cutscenes.

If it seems like I'm a negative Nancy; it's because a lot of direction from this game was done better in the originals, and Atlus was a scammer upon releasing this game. However, I still had a lot of fun playing it. I meant every word of good as much as I criticize the game.

I vehemently think its a AMAZING game, but a terrible remake.

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My face when you fight a fucking dragon

I actively despise this game. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in my life. Literally everything about it is a downgrade from previous games. Of course since it's Switch slop it's the best selling game in the series by a landslide, and now its sins will linger in the series forever.



ummm uhhhh all the characters are hot, their voices too.
the soundtrack is gestures cheff's kiss
hades is a really good roguelike that keeps you with its story. It's interesting to see what will happen next, what they'll say. Dying isn't a bad outcome, as you get to hang out with them more, talk with them more.
the gameplay is kickass too, with plenty of variety to go to, even if you are trying to min max it, it's interesting to try to bring the most out of specific weapons

I've come to realize that I've been way too harsh on this game and so I decided to give it another chance. I played it again in the context of the ironman challenge, a self imposed ruleset among Fire Emblem fans where resetting is completely banned. This challenge is, in my humble opinion, the most enjoyable way to play Fire Emblem if you have enough experience with the series, as it forces you to engage with permadeath in away that playing vanilla doesn't and also because the lack of resetting just inherently causes the game to be paced better. This is the most charitable set of conditions I could have played the game in. So what do I think of it now?
It still fucking sucks lmao

Okay, you can't dress Link up like a girl in this one. But a cutscene of him being grabbed by mechanical tentacles happens multiple times and that's probably the next best thing for you people.

Why would I want to fight a street? This country’s infrastructure is bad enough as it is, destroying a street is just going to make it worse

Talking flowers, really?

This series has been around for god knows how long and the kids who grew up with the original game on the NES are old enough now to collect social security. So why does the series continue to go for the kiddie audience instead of appealing to his actual fans, the adults? Think of how awesome a Mario game where he swears and uses mushrooms like drugs would be. Such a shame that the lazy devs don’t understand what the real fans want.

i love kasane scarlet nexus i wish autistic people were real