Plants Vs. Zombies is peak mobile games

I wish I got into this game on PC, because on mobile, even though it captures the same sort of feeling of exploration, I didn't enjoy it as much.

An FPS game with an exciting and mind stimulating mechanic. It's like the Portal of FPS games, and it makes the initial gameplay experience really fun. However, I don't really remember much about playing this game. The white, black, and red color scheme works great, but it makes the game feel all the same when you try and remember it years later. Overall, this game is pretty good, and I give it a recommendation.

My Friend Pedro hooked me with it's trailer, and hooked me again with it's gameplay, but I don't' remember a lot of the defining moments other than using the skateboard and the dual wield pistols. That made me feel really cool, and I believe that if you watch the trailer and it excites you, play this game. The ending didn't have as much of a slam dunk as I would have wanted, but overall I enjoyed it from what I can remember.

The only sports I care about

This game is probably really fun, but the story didn't click with me. I wish I liked this one more than I do. If you like SMT, you have probably already played this game.

An extremely fun party game which combines mini games and other elements from parties past. If only it had more boards :(

One of the best collections of games ever put together. If you have any interest in Shovel Knight, buy this.

I don't remember much about this game's campaign, but I liked the multiplayer. It's a fun and colorful game, thats obsolete now that the 3rd game is out.

Personally, Persona 5 Royal is my favorite game of all time. It changed what video games were to me. They weren't games, they were experiences. They weren't just fun to me, they were pieces of art. The story really captivated me. The gameplay pulled me in with its simple UI and deep mechanics. Everything about the game feels like magic. On my first playthrough of Royal, I seriously fell in love all over again. I played the original Persona 5 around a year before, and even though I was spoiled on certain story moments from the new content, I still had an absolute blast. One of the biggest reccomends I can give.

I did NOT grow up with this game, but I can acknowledge that it is a very enjoyable experience overall. The gameplay is still fun, even after 20+ years. I wish I could get some friends over and play melee like people used to back in the early 2000s.

As pretty as the game is visually, I couldn't really get into the combat and story. I didn't want to listen to what the characters had to say, and that sucks, because the game LOOKS amazing. The combat also was pretty lame to be perfectly honest with you. I wish in the early game, the enviornments led to more exciting encounters.

Street Fighter 6 is a landmark game for the fighting game genre. It looks extremely pretty, plays very well, and accomplishes something that is extremely rare for the genre: feeling good after losing. Even when I lost a match, it never felt unfair. I always knew that I had lost fair and square. The singleplayer campaign is fun while also feeling like a natural extension of what a street fighter singleplayer should be. The online netcode is also smooth and supports per-character ranking systems to boot! If you have any sort of interest in fighting games, I would pick up Street Fighter 6; you won't regret it.

What an amazing game. The gameplay exceeded my expectations and the story surprised me too. I love the music, characters, and message. Please give this game a shot, as it’s genuinely a game of the year contender in my book.