Has a special place in my heart. Naoto is one of my favorite characters. Subpar netcode.

Barebones, disappointing, and has netcode that could be easily fixed yet Capcom actively refuses to acknowledge it.

Improved, but still barebones and disappointing. Capcom refuses to fix their netcode which could be great.

Fantasticly made game that is a joy to play but is horribly imbalanced. Still a great game, and its animation alone is noteworty.

A fantastic game with awesome characters and great gameplay. Subpar netcode.

Has some of my favorite characters ever made. Similar quality to 98, but I prefer the gameplay of 98 slightly more. Subpar netcode.

Not my favorite KOF roster, nor my favorite gameplay system. Stellar animation and graphics. Dreadful netcode.

Stellar, accessible gameplay and roster, but marred by netcode problems. Also, to mention, though the graphical fidelity of the game is admittedly wanting, the quality of animation is still great. I look forward to KOF XV and how SNK iterates upon their 3D entry into the KOF series.

A fantastic game that was derided (rightfully) for being a full-priced DLC. Yet, I adore this game, despite its unbalanced gameplay, due to its style, zaniness, and the inclusion of characters like Phoenix Wright and Dr. Strange.

I played this game many years after its initial release, yet I loved it all the same. Made my anticipation for FFVII Remake all the greater.

This game has numerous issues, and yet I would be remiss to not call it one of my favorite games ever made. Hope they create a patch for it for PS5 and/or PS4.

The best action game ever made. Bar none. Literally perfection.

Despite updatr, this game is still a lesser Final Fantasy. The combat is unengaging, and the side quests aren't that great.

A compilation of two great games, and 1 good game. I love this game and its characters to tears.

The best Dragon Ball fighting game, hearkening back to the MvC series, and the best Dragon Ball has ever looked. Subpar netcode.