Note: Been playing Smash competitively since 2007, won't be covering the casual aspect of this game.

Since the very first day this game was announced, I felt sceptical about it. All the talk about the game was exclusively the implementation of rollback netcode, and movement options like air dashes and wavedash (and of course "funny spongebob does Melee techniques meme"), both of which were great for the marketing of the game, and the timing was perfect.

Smash players have been disillusioned with Ultimate for a while because of the incredibly poor online experience + the Covid-19 pandemic + Nintendo shutting down events, and NASB promised a fresh "Smash-like" ("Melee-like"?) experience that had good online, incredible potential for internet humor and the famous mechanic that Super Smash Bros has neglected for the past 3 games.

And I think NASB, as a product, really delivered. The game is exactly what they made it out to be. But mechanically it has no soul, the philosophy behind the design is flawed, and it ends up feeling like every other "smash clone" that has ever existed like Digimon Rumble Arena or Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion. The big difference being that now, most smash players know about the competitive scene.

The game is too technical for its own good. Mastering movement in NASB is very very important, and ergonomically awful, high level matches are just 2 characters flying around and doing a lot of "sick movement" while throwing out random hitboxes, until one of them gets hit and dies (or not) and then repeat until the match is over.

And why would you want that many movement options in the first place? Aerials have no endlag, short hopping and spamming aerials is a super strong strategy with very low risk, and some characters have moves so big that you can approach and anti air at the same time.
It's a super unnappealing gameplan for me, and the lack of defensive options make it even worse.

I criticize Rivals Of Aether for some of that as well, but every character has a specific mechanic/gameplan that makes them unique, they have to work towards a specific objective in the match, and taking all the matchups into consideration makes RoA a very rich game that stands out, where characters have their own way to deal with each other, and where movement really matters, even though it not being my cup of tea.

In NASB every character has crazy ground and air movement by design, similar recoveries, very similar or identical kill confirms and combos, they all look for the same things in neutral, so the line between characters is blurred.

Balance is really silly too, but that's expected in a game like this. And I really couldn't care less about patches, they won't fix what really is wrong about the game (most people are complaining about the game not being polished, lack of voice acting, and even about the price, and I think they are completely missing the important stuff).

And I'm sure Nickelodeon pressured the devs a lot to release the game asap, so that sucks too.

In the end NASB is another game that tries to be Smash (with a twist) but doesn't get it. I don't want every platform fighter to be the same, and this is a nice little experiment, but there's so much more to the genre than wavedashing and getting 0 to deaths.

Kusoge material for sure. Feels like Smash 64 with UMVC3 movement and that just doesn't make any sense.

51% Items
(Played on PC)

I find Dread's world to be the least memorable of the Metroid games I've played. I don't mind it being a linear game (I love Fusion), but ZDR is a really uninteresting place for me. I very much prefer Fusion's level design, setting, style and atmosphere.
The way each area is connected makes me incapable to make out the layout of the map, I just go forward and recall stuff as I go. And all of them look so similar at times.

Most items are in plain sight, but it's such a chore to come back for them. You know how to get them, but you just can't until the game gives you the ability that lets you do it. And do you even need them? In the first half of the game I felt like I had too much health, in the second half I had too many missiles, and power bombs only exist as a key to the end game.

And EMMIS really got to me halfway through the game, really annoying to deal with them the exact same way everytime. They have some differences but are mostly irrelevant.

Movement and combat is what stands out for me, I just wish enemies were more varied and more challenging to compensate for how fast and deadly Samus can be in this game, I feel like it only gets to that point when the X infests ZDR.
And as soon as you get the screw attack, you might as well be invincible.

I really miss Samus' inner monologues from Fusion too, and how she ended up rebelling against the Federation.

Fun game overall, I think I'll most likely enjoy a hard mode playthrough of this, probably doing that (unless EMMIS turn me off)

Also fuck MercurySteam for treating their workers like shit and not giving proper credit.

Started playing traditional fighting games around SFV's release and since then I've tried a bunch of SF games, but the only one I really really enjoy is 3rd Strike.
In comparison, characters feel so heavy and chunky to me in SF6, I'm guessing Capcom really had to change their approach to make the new mechanics balanced, and I think that hurts the game for people like me.

And they are fun overall, Drive Rush / Parry are great (I dislike Drive Impact though), and having EX moves available every round start is awesome. But the game is really punishing when you misuse your Drive gauge or guess wrong on offense, and that's kind of a deal breaker for me.
I'm a really active player and Street Fighter in general holds me back and doesn't let me play how I want.

It's hard to judge a game like this because I think it is very successful at what it's trying to do, and I can have a good time playing it and watching it, but it's not made for me at all and I don't think I'll stick with it in the long run.

See you all on Fightcade2 😀

Had very specific spectations, so I wasn't really disappointed when they weren't met. It's pretty easy for me to just imagine how this game would be so it was appealing to me specifically, so I just appreciate the experience for what it is, even if I think some stuff feels misguided.

I love the protagonist just for "Internet Yamero" by Aiobahn ft. KOTOKO, a song that released last month (that literally made me play this because it won't leave my head), so I was just rooting for her through all the game.

Some thoughts from a competitive player perspective, this was the first game I entered a tournament for:

Makes me sad that we won't ever see Brawl get revisited or refined, even with all the flaws it's my favourite Smash game (Melee shares that spot too). Smash 4 and Ultimate were made with competitive play in mind, at least a little bit, so the magic of Melee and Brawl where everything was discovered, developed and fleshed out by the community was lost over time.

In the newer games, what works and what doesn't is almost inmediately apparent and a lot more consistent by design, which is healthier for newer players and the competitive scene but makes the games feel more limited and scripted in comparison.
Even though Smash4 and Ult are games that borrow a lot more from Brawl than Melee, they will never replicate what made Brawl special for me (slower pace, focus on single hit interactions, obscure advanced techniques for most of the cast...), because it's impossible to get a game like that if you actually try making it a solid, polished and consistent experience for everyone.

The roughness and disregard for competitive play of both Brawl and Melee are what made them what they are today, not the balance. And 2 "accidents" like that won't ever happen with today's standards.

Proximity chat makes it very tolerable. If you're playing with some friends and your goal is to talk shit to every player you come across, this is very fun.
Other than that, the game is terrible, even worse than "the first one".

VRChat for stereotypical COD fans that wanna be offensive.
I'll probably get banned from using my mic if I keep playing.

Wanted to write something organized and well thought out but this game just makes me feel good, it's just so charming and full of surprises.

The rainbow is such a genius idea, lets the player experiment and be creative in how they approach the levels (which can be quite challenging too), it can be used as a shield, a platform, a step (or stairs!), a projectile, a melee attack, you can get items and points with it, and even trap enemies or stop them from getting close.

Collecting all the diamonds to get to the final levels and the true ending is quite a hustle, and I think makes the game worse by taking the focus away from the platforming until you get all the diamonds in a specific world.

But even then I feel like it might be one of my new favourite games.

The game starts as a bland and limited platformer with a kind of "metroidvania" level design and checkpoints, even though there really isn't a connected world the same way it works in other metroidvanias.

It's divided by levels so there isn't much exploration either. As far as I know, you can only find energy tanks (collect 3 and get permanent extra HP), every new ability is dropped by bosses.
And almost every one of them feels useless.

The dash slash and pogo attack (and double jump) stand out because it gives Shadow a lot of movement options that can be chained together in a lot of different ways, but you only get to use them simultaneously more than halfway through the game.

Until that point, Shadow's moveset is so limited and the powerups are so weak and specific that it really feels like a really long introduction. When you finally get to the good part, the game still feels like it's trying to teach you how it works.
For example, the last level makes you purposefully pogo enemies to reach platforms for the first time, even though it's one of the first abilities you get.

My favourite parts of the game are the sections where you can rush levels full speed by chaining all of Shadow's abilities, I think the levels that are full of spikes and small corridors don't belong in here.

Combat is as straight forward as you'd expect, and the bosses are just Megaman bosses (and Serris from Metroid Fusion), but it can be fun and dynamic sometimes, and I think the parry is super cool.
There are also a number of powerups, some of them feel like life savers, and the rest of them are kinda useless or not much useful in comparison.

I think this game can shine as a speed game, finding the fastest routes could be so fun. But overall it falls short, the story is uneventful (and feels like any Megaman X but with a twist), and it does nothing special that couldn't be found in the other games that inspired Cyber Shadow.

The game suddenly gets rid of what I was enjoying from it

I shouldn't have played DS3 before this, or at all.

Felt a little burned out of the souls game experience while playing this, which made me apathetic to some sections of the game that would've got me really excited a couple of years ago.
I also think the game is to blame for some of that, but I honestly don't feel like ranting about it.

I had a great time, but nothing more.

Fuck console exclusives.

I revisited this game after 15 years, and I finally get the criticism it receives.

But I still think Fusion does dread much better than Dread, and I love it for that. The SA-X is the obvious highlight, but there are many other events that, even though most of them are just scripted, make BSL feel like a truly dangerous and haunting place.

The linearity is annoying (Adam sucks) but you get used to it (after a while), and that's why I think the moments in the game when shit goes wrong, work so well (like finding alternative paths when some rooms or doors are destroyed, or unlocking stuff that you weren't "allowed" to unlock).

Fusion feels somewhat lazy at times, but I really enjoy what it does well. The idea of exploring a gigantic abandoned research facility in space infested with the deadliest parasite in the universe, while a heartless clone of yourself is tracking your every move, is so fucking cool that it's a shame that the game is just a roadblock after roadblock after roadblock.

I was fascinated by this game as a kid, I wish I could experience it again for the first time.

Worst game in the Wario Land series.

It's crazy to me that this game doesn't even attempt to be anything other than a direct sequel with building mechanics, and even though I really enjoy them, I don't think it justifies making the same game twice.

Both the good and the bad from Botw are there, basically unchanged, I'd say some things are even worse, like the intro and tutorial for example, which makes me wonder how they got it right in botw in the first place.

Overall just feels like they wanted to make Botw, again, but "more epic! Please?" for no reason. Everything new feels underwhelming and underutilised, while everything borrowed from Botw is as flawed as it was.

I will never get Battle Royale games. In theory they sound like a lot of fun, but in practice they are just huge time wasters.

In Warzone's case, it lacks the style and "appeal" of other Battle Royale games, and it has the flat boring looks of every modern CoD game of the last 10 years, plus the same gameplay.

It's just not worth it. Enjoy your coin flipping.