would be higher but, not enough mod support like say, shadow of chernobyl, plus the story to me is a bit lacking

it's metro so of course it gets a high score from me, the only problem i have with it is the crash issues, specifically near the end

would be higher but all of my saves got corrupted lmao

if i were to rate it exclusively off the vanilla it would be a solid 4 due to the bugs but, with mods, it turns into a genuine masterpeice

basically far cry 2 in the future lol

green man changes gaming forever part 1 of 5

fucking perfect, nothing else to say about it

best halo game suck my dick if you say otherwise


seriously though, it's quite good, not the best but, it's close

really good game mechanics but the story is lacking a bit

god they pulled off the open world in the stinkiest stinker of a way, but other than that, it's quite good, even if it made my previous computer explode

great game with a great story and great mechanics, not much else to say really

literally just half life but without the graphical problems, which makes it perfect in my opinion

there's nothing much i can say that everyone else hasn't said, it's just so much of a masterpeice