Maybe I'm just a bad gamer, but I didn't even finish the main story because I could get to the ending, I died every time I tried to defeat any enemy I get killed instantly.

The story is a bit boring, but the atmosphere is extremely nice, and the combat is fun and interesting I liked walking around town while fighting yokai

Would love to play it again because I just scratched the surface of the game, but I sadly have so many Story games that I have to play that I need to wait I bit more

The guy how made this is an absolute chad and the game is also fun sadly I can't finish the game because my PC is always crashing (don't ask why) but it still is extremely fun

An extremely great Story. I really had a great time with this game, although I did not like the amount of Puzzles they were.

Yep the game is awesome Sony not as much I understand the rage that people have towards Sony but review bombing a game for something they can't change is unfair. Arrowhead is an indie studio, and to review bombing is because of something they can't control is unfair. Sony doesn't even care that Helldivers has negative reviews. The only people that are harmed are Arrowhead studios.

I can't tell you why I play this game but something about is so good maybe it's the story or the Character(HOT MOMMY) but it's a game I play Every day which properly isn't that good for me

I liked it. I understand why people would say this is a good game, I mean the gameplay is fun, and it was the Childhood of a lot of People.

A better Version than the first which isn't surprising this was the magnum opus for Rare so it makes sense that they would make such a good game

Awesome Game with an awesome Soundtrack and awesome Character. I played the entire game and liked a lot.

Disappointed is the best way to describe Starfield in my opinion. Everybody on this World sees things differently, but I really hoped that Bethesda would do something better than THIS. I hoped that we could get a game that isn't broken in some way.

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Sadly I couldn't play the game because my PC is always crashing when I'm playing, so I had to watch a lets splay but I have to say the ending change my opinion on the game


I played this game more so because it was a game that revolutionized the gaming industry but nothing more

The ONLY reason why I play this game is, so I can play with my friends