The very first game I beaten in my life. Even today is a lot of fun to play, and it remains very difficult.
Still remember how much I struggled with the hazards on level 6 "Energy Zone" back in the day.

Pretty cool concept and very well executed. I remember having good time with this game. Plus the character design is very charming and the story adds a lot to the Dept. Heaven series. Very dark, but full of silly moments.
Worth give it a shot.

Very unique Zelda. Its so good to see how after all these years it finally got some love from the gamer community.

A great, sometimes infuriating adventure.
The Dark Souls of the 80s. A little unfair here and there.

Play it as you play Breath of the Wild nowadays; explore, get lost and discover the secrets by yourself.
The foundation of a great series.

Brutal story and fantastic character development. One of the JRPGS I remember with the most love. Also, the opening theme is a banger.

If you think Mario Party is unfair and can destroy friendships, oh boy, you haven't seen anything yet.

One of the best entries in the saga, no doubt.
The atmosphere is amazing.

Hilarious party game. Played it many times with my friends. One of them always make his best to prevent anyone from reaching the goal.
He only wants to see the word burn.

The first one is still my favorite. With simpler, smaller, more self contained and better crafted worlds.
However, Tooie is amazing too.
Maybe they went a little too far in the amount of items to collect. Good thing is you don't have to go for all of them anyways.

Amazing game mechanics, tight controls and good graphics.
Like Contra, but more dynamic.
Pretty impressive.

Amazing, beautiful, funny, solid, long game.
One adjective for each star.

I don't care popular opinion. This game is awesome.
Different, shorter version of its Turbo Graph big brother, but still very fun and enjoyable. One of my favorites of the saga.

Played on PC as Ys I & II Eternal.
Ys II improves a lot over the first entry. The combat system is very original and enjoyable once you get used to it.

Solid first entry of one of my favorite sagas. The use of a camera to see and combat the "unseen" is an original idea.
Great atmosphere and some good jump-scares. And awesome character models for the time.
The sequels are far better, though.