Peak Metroidvania.
Be warned though: it requires a lot of patience and perseverance due to the almost inexistent health pick-ups and death mechanics. Once you get the hang of it, is very addictive.
Also the controls are freaking responsive. Movement feels so good.
Instantaneously one of my favorite games of the genre.

One of my favorites on the N64! You can't get bored with this game. Wandering the towns completing side missions, exploring all the different paths on each level, playing with four very different characters and fighting in giant robot battles, all while listening to beautiful-funky Japanese styled melodies. The graphics are pretty good and the controls are tight.
A must play.
Be warned of the sudden difficulty spike in the third world.

Pretty good adventure. It achieves a cinematic feeling, something not that common back in the day.
Amazing animations and seamless transitions between cutscenes and gameplay. Fun combat and good level design. Really enjoyable.

I will never, ever understand why this game is so underrated.
I played it to death, and loved every moment. The world is so magical and is so well crafted that navigation from one area to another is always a feast. And the gambit system is a genius way to replace the classic menu based commands.
Oh well... Haters gonna hate...

I like so much the protagonists' personalities and their interactions, and the main villain and Qwark are hilarious. The whole game presentation and humor are so enjoyable, and the gameplay meet the expectations. Feels like Banjo-Kazooie with guns.
Fun and original, with a little confusing level design from time to time. Or maybe I was a lot more stupid when I played it. Who knows.

Great story and great combat mechanics for a 1995 RPG. Not to mention the voice acting and a theme song with vocals, all packed in a tiny Super Famicom cartridge.

It also has Arche.

You have Metroid Dread thanks to this kind game, kids.
Now, say "thank you".
After so many years, was so good to see old 2D Metroid action returns.

This game is a rollercoaster.
It broke my heart more times than I can count.
A really eccentric, complex and human experience.

The moment you start to feel bad while playing a game, 'cause you keep questioning to yourself if what you are doing is right or wrong, is the moment you realize you are playing something very unique.

I'm not gonna lie. I finished this on Normal difficulty back in the day and it was hell. When I saw that you needed to finish the game on Hard to watch the real ending, my child self was like "whaaaaaaa?".
Years later I did it with cheats. I don't care. The difficulty in this game is so cruel, arcade level. I think is way too much. I appreciate the cool ideas they implemented and the non-stop action, but after a while it gets really frustrating.
The first original Contra still remains as my favorite.

I love Peach.

I would love to see her getting a better game.

Aged like wine.

Samus best girl.

Beaten this game over 190 times in my life and It never feels boring.
A true masterpiece.

Not good. I beat the game to give it an opportunity, but wasn't worth it, sadly. There are much better platformers than this one on the N64.

Amazing game mechanics, tight controls and good graphics.
Like Contra, but more dynamic.
Pretty impressive.

A good attempt at bringing the series into the 3D. Its flawed, yes, but the atmosphere is so on point. I recommend Legacy of Darkness over this one for clear reasons.