unplayable without umbran climax, which makes the game less fun

map half sucks but otherwise fun and good

best 2d platformer movemenmt of all time

beautiful game
frustrated by the tone. videogamey item pickup sounds and victory animations but ooh something sinister is happening... i dont think it works for me. maybe it gets good immediately after i stopped

lost about an hour of progress to an emulator crash, dont feel like doing it again

couldnt remember the map if you paid me to.
looks really pretty.
100% completion isn't worth it.

feels like shit to play i miss smash 4

best mario in terms of game feel. responsive and fun to play

i wish the other ones were like this. whenever i die it feels like it was my fault, and the game feels good to control as well. 90% of the enemies don't wait an extra tick to catch you rolling like in later games.
not that hard.

played claire A hardcore. very fun.