Such a bizarre and interesting experience, only about an hour long so can't talk a lot about it but it's worth checking out, it's atmosphere is really creepy and you are very desolate as messages to you start normal but get weirder and weirder. Don't know what to make of it tbh. Also heard the creator passed away after suicide, so rest in peace :/ I can only imagine what thoughts were going through his head while making this. Worth checking out since it's only about an hour long, very strange experience indeed.

Another walking sim so if you're not into those, not sure if you'd like it but I would suggest to try it out as the genre has some pretty good ones. The plot of gone home is starts out really interesting and I think it does a very good job of making you think something horrible is going on and....not going to spoil whether something is actually going on or not but it works really well. The house is really well made and I swear to god this could easily be a horror game with its atmosphere. Small twitch sounds or sudden lightning strikes outside the house make you feel like something isn't right and you keep thinking you heard something. It's pretty light on the narrative side and short as well so worth a try.

This is actually a really good game. The gameplay is super fun and they added some really cool new stuff like being on the ground after bullet time and just shooting around you. The story is really good too, holds up pretty well to the others, great characters and great soundtrack. A major problem I have is the mini cutscenes. These play like after every shooting encounter just to show him walking or opening a door and whatnot and it really irritates me as it interrupts the flow. They could just keep whatever dialogue they want to during the shootout or while walking. Why does it have to play a goddamn cutscene for everything? The most irritating part about this is I loved to jump through doors with bullet time and shoot down without them ever realising I came in but since so many doors don't open without playing a stupid cutscene and then giving me back control on the other side, I never got to do that. The shootouts are actually pretty challenging and AI is pretty clever as well even on normal. The cover system needs slight work like being able to move to opposite cover without getting up or being able to snap more easily but it's manageable. This game has an insane amount of small details and I loved that he carried all his weapons with him and held his assault rifle in his hand if you equipped cuz most games just make your character's weapons disappear and you can carry a hundred of them that was really cool. That's bout it tbh, reduce the mini cutscenes and stop holding my hand so much and let me shoot more bad guys you got a really solid game.

What a vibe! Super relaxing and dig the pixel style.

Such a unique game. Must play and its surprisingly challenging at times and cool game mechanic as well. The ending surprised me quite a bit cuz I was expecting something completely different but I enjoyed it. Good game

The game mechanic is super fun to mess around with it and I had so much fun doing my own shit and trying to test the limits. The levels themselves are super neat and challenging too. The story seems really basic but has a surprising amount of depth to it. Play it.

This one significantly expands on the first game and adds so much new stuff. The story gets deeply more complex and the set pieces change drastically and some new gameplay mechanics really change things up. Absolutely loved it and one of the best endings ever! Must play.

This was my first real stealth game as I'd soon find out and boy did it make you go as stealthily as possible. Now the score is purely based on how it was for me. As you can imagine, not well for someone who barely plays any real stealth games. In the end, I somehow half assed it and was disappointed in myself in not being more patient. I can still appreciate the immensely clever level design, extremely intelligent AI and really cool gameplay features. This was only a demo and thus short so I'd suggest you only get this if you think you can be stealthy and patient. I hope to play the main game and have a better experience there because I've seen the videos of all the really cool things u can do there and also how it opens up a bit more and doesn't force stealth as much and is more complete overall. Can't wait to give phantom pain a go!

The combat may be just alright, without encouraging me to use too many gadgets even on a higher difficulty but the swinging more than makes up for it. It's just to play a game. I can appreciate the story for trying some new stuff and mixing stuff up of lore that is so well known. Overall, it's a good one if you want sit back and just relax.

Such a fantastic game, it has absolutely beautiful set pieces in the Star Wars world and great action moments. The ending left me hanging a bit and I think there couldve been a few more planets but I can appreciate the existing variety in environments for it being the first game. The combat is challenging (on jedi master) but it definitely isnt the best, animations not completing or frame delays while trying to block lead to some frustrating moments. The levels also are quite confusing when returning to, this being a metroidvania esque leads to a lot of paths connecting to each other. It's quite easy to get lost and the large map doesn't help too much. It's still a decent one to play through with some genuinely cool moments. Great addition to the sw lore and can't wait for more.

Such a fun title to cleanse your palate, really great world and performances. The set pieces are the highlight and there is such innovative stuff but some truly frustrating puzzles and a less than desirable camera keep this from being perfect. Still a must play.

Has some really addictive combat and it's very fun to just run around and clear outposts. It does get grindy after a bit and I wouldn't say it's endlessly replayable but its worth experiencing for the nemesis system alone.