Probably the best puzzle game I've ever played, I'm not kidding.

Return of the Obra Dinn is one of those "detective games", where you find leads and the smallest details to solve the mistery it asks you. Something like "her story", for example.

It's so well structured, well written, so many tiny little aspects you'll just find out playing it again.

Also, It has an unique visual, an AMAZING sound design and holy moly I better stop typing, cause I swear, I could write hours and hours of how good this game is...

I'm honestly shocked of how much I liked this

Peace is boring, violence goes viral

Yeah, It's a classic gta, important and amazing game for its time, but It has aged like milk...

2023 and It was the first time I ever tried it

+ Best licensed soundtrack ever

Mambo, 80's pop songs, classic rock and roll tracks and so much more... Driving through Miami and listening to billie jean? D A M N B O I

+ Hilarious Radio Shows

Sometimes I was kinda bored with the old layout missions with a kinda shallow story, I started paying attention to the radio and damn, the dialogs were incredible.

+ Game Humour

YOU GOT BIG COJONES, AMIGOOOOO!!! I had fun watching some cutscenes, they were silly and fun, I liked it.

- Controls

This bothered me SO MUCH. Mainly because of the RC missions, Dodos, boats, etc. You can't move the camera while driving, It's static! They're out dated AF

- Missions can be buggy, temperamental and repetitive

The era of the games where missions were "go there, kill this guy, return with the suitcase", then "go to the hotel, chase the pizza guy, kill him, return to the safehouse".

- City is small

- The second part of the game is a childish roblox tycoon

Yes. They obligate you to find at least 7 properties UNMARKED on the map, buy them, do their boring, stressful and buggy missions, so then you can unlock the 2 last missions of the game, just so the story that rockstar made out would make sense...

Conclusion: guys, the year was 2002, a gta released for ps2, most of the people who bought it weren't interested in the story or making perfect runs. I read a lot of reviews saying "I remember creating chaos with my cousins on a sleepover". So, it was a fun game to just mess around, not doing like most of us and trying to beat it. But yeah, decent.

This for 2009 was kinda cool, but nowadays is a generic shooter + walking simulator. I played it with a friend so it was less monotonous

People say the second one is better, maybe I'll try it


Abzû is one of those atmospheric games, like journey or even gris

The art, the music are stunning, but if you're one of those anxious people that want smashing buttons gameplay and action, maybe this game isn't for you

It's pretty short, relaxing and cool when you want to clean your backlog but also don't want anything hard to master

Today I was kinda depressed, and this was the warmth I needed in my heart. Just explore an island, get some golden feathers and hike...


If you wanna have the best experience with this game, play it with someone you like. Trying it alone is not that fun, trust me.

The survival experience is fun indeed, but the combat could be better, mainly when you're trying to fight a shark under water... The story is also nothing that special

There are some weirds bugs and solutions for those bugs. For example: at Varuna Point, I was running and jumping and suddenly I was stuck on the roof. I was desperate cause I couldn't get out, and my necessities were dropping, so I started dropping all my stuff so my friends could get it, even if I was dead. We googled it and found nothing, but, when I pressed "esc", I found the "unstuck" button. Literally, an UNSTUCK button. They know the bug exist, they don't fix it and they create an "unbug" button...

My conclusion: It has a minecraft vibe, It's boring as fuck on your own, but SO FUN with other people. Not a GOTY, but yeah, good besides the stuff I said

Well... Short answer? This is not my thing and I was expecting too much

I read a lot of good reviews, everyone saying is one of the best platformers ever and It's just an usual platformer. Get the "coins" that are the pizza ingredients, some boss fights that are cool and stuff, at the end of the phase, you run to the entrance in a sonic kind of way.

Just didn't click with me, but maybe you'll like it

This is so satisfying and I don't even know why...

till the moment: I can't find a match after 10 min and WTF they literally r e m o v e d cs:go from the store?

I'm too used to FIFA controls, damn...

This is an amazing tower defense, so addictive!

I luv this game SO MUCH. I'm a casual coop fanatic, and this one hits me hard

I always wanna play it, but everytime someone begins a journey with me, 99% we don't finish it. I just beated it one time with 2 more friends and it was a w e s o m e. We got 3 stars on every level, It's a great challenge

For me, a must-play