I don't think I have to be the 100th person to say this game is a masterpiece, but it is.

This fuckass game hates you in every single way.
Drops enemies all the times that'll kill you.
Hazards gallore.
Water wraith.
And its the funniest thing ever on how you have to survive it.
Pikmin at its core is really good, and hard to mess up, so making kind of an official kaizo game was a fun idea, even if it left 12 Y/O me scarred for life with difficulty in games lmao.

The more I think about this one, the worse it gets honestly.
I don't think something this calm should've been the start for such a long running series as Trails, specially when people will become interested via other later games.
Nice begginings can be good, but the problem with this one is how long it takes to have any ounce of interesting things happen.
Estelle and Joshua banter alone can't make the convos funny, and story is a snorefest for a while.
Olivier helps remediate it when he joins, but leaving as soon as the chapter is done is HORRIBLE, specially with Schera too, as the game shoots itself on the foot by removing the 2 characters that were fun to hear until story picked up more.
And the first half of CH2 is horribly painful in how boring it is.
Half of it is boring and barely feels engaging.
And its gaameplay isn't much better.
Level scaling at first is a MESS.
You don't have 4 party members much, which sucks for a game designed for 4 of these characters.
The ending IS very exciting and leaves a mark, and the second half is engaging, but getting there is such a struggle.
And people say this is actually amazing?
Yeah, I just don't see it.
Maybe if this was the start of another arc other than the very first, it would'be been better as a way to calm after lots of shit happened.
But a beggining so boring for a long series like this is prone to bite it in the ass more than help, specially when its not even engaging in any way for such a long time.

When I first heard about it, I thought it was gonna be a good game that wouldn't leave that much of an impact, something really good maybe, but not that impactful.
I was far more excited to play Nocturne and the Raidou games.
I played it first because Nocturne didn't click much and seemed people prefered this over Raidou.
By the time I was done with this game, I didn't know what to say or even think, even being the first part of a story, this game left such an impact on what was building, and what it achieved at that point, between its combat, dungeon exploration, customization, characters, story, atmosphere, looks, OST, everything just came in to make what is the first half of my favorite game of all time, and a work of art that helped me so much at one of the worst points of my life.
Serph, Argilla, Heat, Gale, Cielo and Sera are all an incredible cast with so much development and amazing dynamics, even with the low amount of time they have for cutscenes, they make the most out of it, and flesh them out so well.
The antagonists all do their job so well, be it characters like Harley who just serve to introduce the conflict, Bat, Mik and Varin who are very antagonistic, and Jinana & Lupa who are tragic in contrast, every character is treated so well and do their job superbly, even with not that much screentime.
The set up of the mysteries of this game are superb, a lot of stuff sticks, and I love how its only on the halfway point here where it starts to really set in just how much is off on it, and the hooks for DDS2 show (specially with Angel).
This is a PS2 game, and it has aged incredibly well.
Out of all the PS2 atlus games, this one is the best looking one, and its not even close, SPECIALLY on the animation and direction of the cutscenes, they nailed it so well with the motion and direction, its absolutely insane.
Shoji Meguro brought his SSS game for the composition of this game, seriously, alongside DDS 2, this is my favorite OST for any game ever.
The dungeon design is masterful, so many great gimmicks and no dungeon is annoying or frustrating, every single one has memorable moments and compelling puzzles when they do.
And omg the combat.
3 party members that have the abilities of the protag AND ALL NEED TO DIE FOR A GAME OVER is SO good I love it.
It adds tension while also feeling fair, and imo reduces chances of bullshit killing you.
The mantra system allows for so much customization as long as you have money.
Literally slap any skill on any character however you want, its top tier.
And the difficulty is just right, its not too hard, but you gotta think to get through it.
This is pure gushing cause this game means so much to me.
It is a complete masterpiece and nothing has impacted me so much like this and its sequel.
Absolutely masterful experience, and deserves to be experienced at least once.
Trust me, this game goes a lot of places, and does so many incredible things.
Its a must play.

First Touhou game and prob my favorite, all levels are fun, 4 playable teams is a great way of replay value, even with the secret level.
Its just really fun and charming.

Didn't think much of it at first, but a replay defo made me like it more than before.
For one, the story is pretty great and so are the characters.
Second, its pretty easy, but introducing branching classes really helped replayability, specially with trainees, and with how easy it is, breaking it is so fun, even more with the ability to grind.
Its not the best cause enemy phased centered FE my hated, but its still a great time.

I struggle to think as to why there was a period of time people hated this game, considering just how good in general this is in most aspects.
This is easily the Metroid game with the best atmosphere and its not even close, thanks to the music, area design and the like, absolutely insane how they pulled it.
While the sub bosses are a crime against nature, the main ones are incredible, and Quadraxis in particular is on a league of its own for boss fights, genuinely insane.
Its not better than Prime 1, but personally I can count the games that are with only 1 hand, and this is more than a worth follow up to that game, which is all that it needed to be.
Absolutely phenomenal experience.

This is the best apology for what they did with X6 and X7.

Y'know, I tried to like this game.
It was built up as this masterpiece and one of the best games of the series, a really precious classic that is at the height of the series, and the GC as a console.
Yeah, this was an utter disappointment.
So before anything, the story is actually great, and prob my favorite of the series so far (I have yet to play FE4 or Thracia, so subject to change), it has my second favorite FE cast and its a great one at that, music is pretty good, and the artstyle is prob my favorite on the series, also supports taking into account what part of the game you are is awesome.
A shame I don't like anything else.
Map design.
Either it feels like there's barely any thought on it, or its annoying or unmmemorable.
In general I am not a fan of enemy phased centered games, cause those can boil down to "leave the strong unit there, let it kill enemies on enemy phase, rinse and repeat" and in general they don't feel like you need much thought into them, which is, how PoR feels.
So much boils down to leaving 2 unit do the work because none of the enemy units pose a threat unless something happens, and having a million of them bombard you is so boring.
Enemy phase gets meme'd to death, and there's a good reason for that, specially on a game that is even slower on getting through it than GBA FE, which also had 2/3 of the games be enemy phase centered.
Oh also the models look ugly, I don't like them much, even less when some are just recollors of other ones and look bad when they're not on the character they are (like Ilyana's sage model being just recolored Calil).
Enemy phase tends to bring imbalance because 1 - 2 range weapon is very priced, and this game is unbalanced in a bad way. You only want horses cause maps are big, or axes cause lance spam and also you want lances cause sword spam and 1 - 2 range.
Oh and we hate fun so effective weaponry only has mt be 2 times instead of 3, because where is balance of weapon escalation.
The easiness of it doesn't work well when customization is not even that high.
Without stuff like reclassing and the bad imbalance in weapons and classes, it just doesn't lead to interesting experimentation in my eyes, it really just feels like they depend on writing to carry this game, which, that alone can't carry a game when playing it is so bad.
At least some maps are good, and forging can be fun with how much money you get.
But omg, I can't look past the rest that just makes it dreadful.
And others trying to sell it as the best one made it even worse.
Yeah, I'll stick to DSFE, thanks.

I'd rate this a 7/10, this game has the best final boss ever, and concluded the story so well after so many entries (X and Zero series) that I can't help but rate it an 8.
I have a lot of reservations with the changes, but that finale FUCKS.

It really feels like they were on something when making this game.

Story aditions are really good.
But otherwise this is quite literally the same as X1.
To be fair there's barely anything to change to improve it, so kinda wild this exists.
Still, its X1, you can't go wrong with it, and I tend to alternate between it and the OG when replaying it.

Like Sky 1.
This is overrated to me.
And its nowhere near a masterpiece like others say it is, and the more I think about it, the worse it gets.
But fuck, it still has some incredible moments, SPECIALLY with Agate on CH5, and the antagonists rocked for the most part.
Its a large improvement on Sky 1, and I'm glad I played it.

How the fuck they nailed their first attempt at a metroidvania is beyond me, but I ain't complaining, this game is SO good.

This is prob my least favorite Kirby game, cause some parts are annoying, and clearly not designed for a 2D platformer, and were instead for a metroidvania.
And while it looks good, it looks the same as a GBA game, which, doesn't make it look too impressive on context.
Also the final boss is whatever, which is a sin for this series, like how do you fumble a KIRBY final boss.