It's more Cuphead. Ms. Chalice adds a new way to play the game. The visuals and music are wonderful. What else needs to be said?

This review was written before the game released

From a gameplay perspective? Incredibly fun, especially since I didn't play the first game too much. The grind, for new players, especially is not worth it at all. Grinding matches to get the whole roster back is absolute bullshit, especially since there's a mode where heroes are randomized and you don't have to own them to use them. The nature of acquiring cosmetics is basically an uphill battle where Blizzard wants you to just throw money because the grind is too long. It's predatory and it's incredibly unfair. Other games with this model are doing it way better than them and it's a shame to see it stoop this low. I only have an interest because the core gameplay is free to play and that's it.

I understand why this game was so beloved back in the day, but I am glad that there were added QOL features such as speed up and god mode so that people can breeze through the battles to experience the story, because it works well. The materia system for the combat adds a lot of variety for the party and I think I will come back to this game at some point. It's dated in some aspects, particularly with the visuals and traversal, but it's an RPG must play.

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I had been wanting to get to these games for a long time. One of my best friends had hyped it up and for the most part, it was incredibly fun. The cast is made up of great characters and I enjoy the variety of dialogue options that can be used to handle situations. I found it funny whenever an answer I thought would be funny would generally end up being the renegade options. I would say the third game is the best gameplay wise, but the second one is my favorite overall. I didn't look up anything on how to do the suicide mission correctly and I was devastated when I had losses. I'm really looking forward to replaying this to just mess around, but also get back into the world, which is well thought out. I skipped the Citadel DLC so that I will have something to look forward to and from what I've heard, it's a blast. This trilogy is incredibly special and it won me over quickly and has become one of my favorites.

I don't think it's fair to give this a number rating considering I didn't get too far into it. It felt near impossible to find a rhythm with the movement and every time I thought I had it, I would die. The lives system is an archaic thing that didn't need to be in this game. There aren't many games that have me just stop like this, but it was clear after a few hours of trying to beat the first game in the trilogy that I wasn't going to be enjoying myself, so why should I power through it? Not everything works and I'm glad I got this on sale. On to the next game...

Solid platformer, although the first game definitely had it's finicky problems such as requiring being pixels apart from enemies to grab them. Also not a huge fan of easy mode equaling infinite lives. It should have been a toggle. I can understand how these would have been beloved games back in the day. If somehow this gets a sequel, I'd be intrigued.

I wanted to try other games from this developer, especially since Hades was getting such stellar reviews (Still on backlog currently). It's clear that the roots of that gameplay take hold. It's got a great artstyle and soundtrack. Gameplay is acceptable and I enjoy the different weapon types. It was enjoyable for what it was.

My roommate and I had a blast playing this game. The levels are so well designed and being able to upgrade copy abilities adds a lot to the feeling of progression throughout the game. The post game adds a surprising amount of challenge despite the main story being a breeze. One of my favorites of 2022 so far.

This game was a pure delight. I didn't really try to 100% everything because for as small as the area is, it's quite robust and I look forward to playing this again on a lazy day.

I bought this game years ago and then just stopped. I started a new game as I wasn't far into it in my original save. It's a really cool concept in terms of movement and the Metroidvania aspect was enjoyable. I love the look of it and the soundtrack was decent. Even when I found a groove with the movement, it was exploring the later portions of the game that became tedious. I liked it, didn't love it.

I mainly played this back in 2020 and finished up the free DLC that came with the Farwell Edition. The new content definitely makes the base game a fuller experience. It certainly took a bit to get back into the swing of things and there's a certain storyline that's a bit tedious at times. Overall, this game is a great cozy game, but it will pack an emotional wallop.

Played this on Mario 3D All Stars on Switch. There's no denying the level designs are incredibly creative. I think the biggest thing were the controls and despite being an improvement over the Wii version (From what I've heard), it felt like I was fighting the game constantly. I think this was the game that made me realize I'm not a 3D Mario guy, and that's okay.

A fun Metroidvania. Having the powers being incorporated in the combat was great. The dialogue is hilarious. It's executed well.

This improves on the original in every way. The movement and combat are more versatile. The story embraces the ridiculousness and is filled with funny dialogue. It also looks great visually. This is how sequels need to be handled.

This truly is a mixed bag. While the open world format is something that this franchise desperately needed and playing with friends was a blast, the look and performance of the game is not acceptable. It has the highest highs and the lowest lows.

It just shows that more development time was needed, but Pokemon wants to have annual releases and this is the end result. This franchise has been a part of my life for so long and seeing be in a state of decline from a quality standpoint has truly disappointing. I still had a lot of fun with this game, and it has me truly conflicted. Perhaps I will skip out on the next game or next gen if this is what is considered acceptable at launch by the developers.